International Monetary Fund

Past IMF Disbursements and Repayments for all members
from January 01, 1987 to December 31, 1987

Historical data from May 1, 1984 to the present on the IMF's disbursements to members (loans and purchases) and repayments from members. The data, which is available by date or by member, also includes charges and interest paid, except in the SDR department.

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(in SDRs)
Month General Resources Account Poverty Reduction and Growth
Trust 1/2/
Resilience and Sustainability
Purchases Charges
Loans Interest
Loans Interest
Purchases and Loans Charges and
Interest Paid
Disbursements Repurchases Disbursements Repayments Disbursements Repayments Disbursements Repayments
December 31, 1987 241,430,000 1,424,595,518 144,858 5,130,000 1,045,800 3,545,628 0 0 0 246,560,000 1,425,641,318 3,690,486
November 30, 1987 119,000,000 670,354,873 253,041,881 147,430,000 3,324,100 1,611 0 0 0 266,430,000 673,678,973 253,043,492
October 31, 1987 6,125,000 432,628,463 173,734 63,210,000 36,060,700 916 0 0 0 69,335,000 468,689,163 174,650
September 30, 1987 90,360,000 678,342,884 99,550 13,280,000 33,529,468 400 0 0 0 103,640,000 711,872,352 99,950
August 31, 1987 285,057,500 594,851,098 260,475,122 11,580,000 67,496,684 68 0 0 0 296,637,500 662,347,782 260,475,190
July 31, 1987 852,245,000 583,116,819 472,116,541 0 128,688,565 387,368 0 0 0 852,245,000 711,805,384 472,503,909
June 30, 1987 524,030,000 723,159,375 45,953 47,040,000 2,033,000 3,778,548 0 0 0 571,070,000 725,192,375 3,824,501
May 31, 1987 778,710,000 684,331,242 267,320,565 58,200,000 4,240,190 11,331 0 0 0 836,910,000 688,571,432 267,331,896
April 30, 1987 75,000,000 431,865,322 178,672 0 37,952,610 386 0 0 0 75,000,000 469,817,932 179,058
March 31, 1987 124,450,000 488,869,304 24,164,180 0 38,008,934 10,643 0 0 0 124,450,000 526,878,238 24,174,823
February 28, 1987 202,400,000 649,235,735 302,323,335 57,500,000 69,927,132 42,574 0 0 0 259,900,000 719,162,867 302,365,909
January 31, 1987 0 520,383,386 479,990,121 0 127,889,818 326,052 0 0 0 0 648,273,204 480,316,173
Total for 1987 3,298,807,500 7,881,734,019 2,060,074,512 403,370,000 550,197,001 8,105,525 0 0 0 3,702,177,500 8,431,931,020 2,068,180,037

1/ Includes loans under the Structural Adjustment Facility and Trust Fund.
2/ Formerly Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and Exogenous Shocks Facility Trust.

The information provided is for your convenience and is not intended to replace other official IMF reports and statements.

Member Financial Data