IMF Publications by Subject
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Title: Business Cycle in Czechoslovakia Under Central Planning: Were Credit Shocks Causing it?
Series: Working Paper No. 1996/129
Date: November 1, 1996
Subject: Bank credit Business cycles Credit Econometric analysis Economic growth Industrial production Money Production Vector autoregression
Title: Inflation, Nominal Interest Rates, and the Variability of Output
Series: Working Paper No. 1996/109
Date: October 1, 1996
Subject: Capacity utilization Demand for money Financial services Inflation Monetary base Money Prices Production Real interest rates
Title: Chile: Recent Economic Developments
Series: Country Report No. 1996/089
Date: September 10, 1996
Subject: Banking Currency markets Financial markets Income tax systems Labor National accounts Personal income Production Taxes Total factor productivity
Title: Domestic, Foreign or Common Shocks?
Series: Working Paper No. 1996/107
Date: September 1, 1996
Subject: Business cycles Consumption Econometric analysis Economic growth Imports International trade National accounts Production Productivity Vector autoregression
Title: How Accurate Are the Imf's Short-Term Forecasts? Another Examination of the World Economic Outlook
Series: Working Paper No. 1996/089
Date: August 1, 1996
Subject: Balance of payments Current account balance Economic forecasting Export performance Inflation International trade Prices Production Production growth
Title: Currency Unions, Economic Fluctuations, and Adjustment: Some New Empirical Evidence
Series: Working Paper No. 1996/081
Date: August 1, 1996
Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 44, No. 1, March 1997.
Subject: Economic sectors Employment Labor Labor markets Manufacturing Production Production growth Productivity
Title: Why is China Growing so Fast?
Series: Working Paper No. 1996/075
Date: July 1, 1996
Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 44, No. 1, March 1997.
Subject: Financial institutions Labor Production Production growth Productivity Stocks Total factor productivity
Title: Does the Gap Model Work in Asia?
Series: Working Paper No. 1996/069
Date: July 1, 1996
Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 44, No. 1, March 1997.
Subject: Inflation Monetary base Money National accounts National income Output gap Potential output Prices Production Terms of trade
Title: FEERs and Uncertainty: Confidence Intervals for the Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rate of the Canadian Dollar
Series: Working Paper No. 1996/068
Date: July 1, 1996
Notes: Models of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates (FEERs).
Subject: Balance of payments Current account Exchange rates Foreign exchange Output gap Price elasticity Prices Production Real exchange rates
Title: Inflation Targeting: Theory and Policy Implications
Series: Working Paper No. 1996/065
Date: June 1, 1996
Subject: Banking Inflation Inflation targeting Monetary policy Monetary policy frameworks Potential output Price stabilization Prices Production Tax incentives