Country Reports

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May 8, 2020

Mali: Requests for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility and Rephasing of Access Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Mali

Description: This paper discusses Requests for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) and Rephasing of Access Under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) Arrangement. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) shock hit the economy hard amid an already challenging social and security situation. The decline in economic activity, spillovers from global trade and financing shocks, along with fiscal measures to combat the crisis have created an urgent balance-of-payments and fiscal financing needs. The authorities have responded quickly to the pandemic with containment measures, stepped up healthcare response, and emergency measures to support households and business affected by the outbreak. The regional central bank responded with measures to support liquidity in the banking system. Given the urgent balance of payment need caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the infeasibility of completing a review under the ECF arrangement, staff supports these requests and welcomes commitments to safeguard transparency and accountability in the use of emergency funds. The RCF is expected to cover about 40 percent of the financing gap in 2020 and is expected to play a catalytic role. The authorities are actively engaged with other donors, including the World Bank, to cover the remaining financing needs.

May 7, 2020

Union of the Comoros: Request for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility and Purchase Under the Rapid Financing Instrument-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Union of the Comoros

Description: This paper presents Union of the Comoros’ Request for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility and Purchase Under the Rapid Financing Instrument. The Comoros’ authorities should use fiscal policy to cushion the adverse effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 shock and bring the fiscal position back in line with medium-term paths once the crisis has passed. In addition to expanding very substantially healthcare spending to meet the population’s pandemic-related needs, the authorities should consider giving targeted and temporary support to the most vulnerable. Monetary policy should focus on maintaining the exchange rate peg. At the same time, the authorities should use all tools at their disposal to safeguard the stability of the banking system, including by providing liquidity to banks facing liquidity pressures and addressing loan servicing difficulties. Beyond implementing their pandemic preparedness plan and strengthening the health care system’s ability to respond to pandemic needs, the authorities are considering delaying deadlines for tax filings and temporarily lowering customs duties for certain imports. They will monitor inflation developments and maintain the exchange rate peg to the euro. The authorities will also do all they can to ease liquidity strains in the banking system. They are also are working with banks to enable targeted loan maturity extensions.

May 7, 2020

Dominican Republic: Request for Purchase under the Rapid Financing Instrument-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Dominican Republic

Description: This paper analyzes Dominican Republic’s Request for Purchase Under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI). The RFI provides timely resources to the authorities which they intend to mobilize for essential coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-related health expenditure and support to the vulnerable population. The pandemic has significantly weakened the Dominican Republic’s macroeconomic outlook for 2020 and created financing needs that require additional support. The authorities are also seeking support from other multilateral institutions. Macroeconomic and financial policies have been accommodative in response to the pandemic. The temporary fiscal measures to accommodate higher public healthcare spending and targeted transfers to the most vulnerable are appropriate. The IMF emergency assistance under the RFI is expected to help provide the much-needed resources to address the urgent balance of payments needs and support essential COVID-19-related health expenditure. The support of other international financial institutions and development partners would be crucial to close the remaining financing gaps, ease the adjustment burden, and preserve the Dominican Republic’s dynamic economic growth.

May 7, 2020

Republic of Tajikistan: Request for Disbursement under the Rapid Credit Facility-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Tajikistan

Description: This paper discusses Republic of Tajikistan’s Request for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility (RCF). The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had a severe human and economic impact in Tajikistan. Trade and transportation disruptions have led to a sharp drop in remittances and government revenues and created urgent balance of payments and fiscal financing needs. The authorities have responded with an action plan and measures to contain the pandemic. Health spending and targeted support to the most vulnerable households and sectors in the economy are the immediate priorities, and a temporary widening of the budget deficit is appropriate. The IMF’s financial assistance under the RCF is expected to provide a sizable share of the financing needed to implement the anti-crisis measures. Additional concessional and grant financing from the international community will be critical to close the remaining financing gap. Based on authorities’ fiscal consolidation plans, debt is assessed to be sustainable. The authorities have committed to enhance the transparency and governance of their COVID-19 policy response through the publication of an ex-post audit of associated spending and procurement processes. The risk of debt distress remains high, but the capacity to repay the IMF is adequate.

May 6, 2020

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: Requests for Purchasing under the Rapid Financing Instrument, Debt Relief under the Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust, Rephasing of Access Under the Three-Year Arrangements under the Extended Credit Facility and the Extended Fund Facility, and Reduction of Access under the Extended Fund Facility Arrangement-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Description: This paper focuses on The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s Requests for Purchasing Under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI), Debt Relief Under the Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust, Rephasing of Access Under the Three-Year Arrangements Under the Extended Credit Facility and the Extended Fund Facility, and Reduction of Access Under the Extended Fund Facility Arrangement. Ethiopia is facing a pronounced economic slowdown and an urgent balance of payments need owing to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The authorities have taken strong actions to contain the health impact by implementing a mandatory 14-day quarantine for travelers entering the country, improving testing and containment capacity, strengthening epidemic response coordination and adopting a state of emergency to limit movement and gatherings and facilitate social distancing. Ethiopia showed good progress under the extended arrangements with the IMF, which aim to address external vulnerabilities and transition to a private sector-led growth model. The authorities remain committed to the reform program. The IMF staff supports the authorities’ plan to accommodate COVID-related fiscal measures, and to resume the fiscal adjustment when the crisis subsides. In order to contain the upward pressure on public debt, the authorities should consider further tightening the spending envelope for state-owned enterprises not directly engaged in the COVID-19 emergency response.

May 5, 2020

Georgia: Sixth Review Under the Extended Arrangement and Requests for a Waiver of Nonobservance of Performance Criterion, Modification of Performance Criteria, and Augmentation of Access-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Georgia

Description: This paper discusses Georgia’s Sixth Review Under the Extended Arrangement and Requests for a Waiver of Nonobservance of Performance Criterion, Modification of Performance Criteria, and Augmentation of Access. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has hit the Georgian economy hard. A drop in external demand and tourism has widened the current account deficit, led to a depreciation of the exchange rate, and a substantial decline in economic activity. The authorities have acted rapidly by introducing sweeping containment measures and targeted support to households and to most affected sectors. The National Bank of Georgia has appropriately maintained a moderately tight monetary policy stance, while allowing exchange rate to remain flexible. Monetary policy decisions should be based on close monitoring of inflationary expectations. Advancing structural reforms would help sustain medium-term growth potential and achieve a faster recovery after the pandemic. Adopting the indexation rule for public pension would contribute to sustain the income of pensioners. Completing the banking resolution framework and implementing the insolvency framework would help support the recovery. The augmentation of access under the Extended Fund Facility arrangement should support the authorities’ policies to address the COVID-19 shock and help meet the urgent balance-of payments need.

May 4, 2020

Colombia: Request for an Arrangement Under the Flexible Credit Line and Cancellation of the Current Arrangement-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Colombia

Description: This paper discusses Colombia’s Request for an Arrangement Under the Flexible Credit Line (FCL) and Cancellation of the Current Arrangement. Colombia has very strong policy frameworks—anchored by a flexible exchange rate, a credible inflation targeting-regime, effective financial sector supervision and regulation, and a structural fiscal rule—that have served as a basis for the economy’s resilience prior to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. During this time, Colombia has made remarkable efforts to integrate a substantial number of migrants from Venezuela that boosted domestic demand but widened external vulnerabilities. The new arrangement under the FCL is expected to help Colombia manage heightened external risks, protect ongoing efforts to effectively respond to the pandemic, integrate migrants, foster inclusive growth, and reduce external vulnerabilities. Despite higher external vulnerabilities, risks, and stress, the new arrangement can be maintained at the same access level because the authorities have built higher external buffers by accumulating significant additional reserves since the 2018 FCL request. The arrangement should boost market confidence, and combined with the comfortable level of international reserves, provide insurance against downside risks.

May 1, 2020

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Request for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Description: This paper discusses Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’s Request for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility. The disbursement will help meet the urgent fiscal and balance of payments needs stemming from the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, catalyze donor support, and shore up confidence. The pandemic is inflicting heavy damage on Afghanistan’s economy, which is expected to contract sharply in 2020, imperiling the livelihood of a significant segment of the population. The authorities are taking emergency measures to contain the pandemic and its immediate social and economic impact. Substantial donor financing is urgently needed to help Afghanistan cover these fiscal and external financing needs which could increase further if the pandemic and its economic impact intensify. Beyond the immediate response, the authorities are committed to safeguarding macroeconomic stability and promoting inclusive growth. The central bank continues to focus on price stability. The IMF stands ready to assist Afghanistan as it battles the pandemic and to support its economic reforms going forward.

May 1, 2020

Costa Rica: Request for Purchase Under the Rapid Financing Investment-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Costa Rica

Description: This paper states Costa Rica’s Request for Purchase Under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI). The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has severely impacted Costa Rica with its large exposure to trade, tourism, and foreign direct investment. The global economic slowdown and the necessary containment measures have impacted growth and fiscal accounts and created an urgent balance of payments need. The IMF’s emergency financing under the RFI is expected to help support urgently needed public health and social spending measures, while addressing the balance of payments need. It will also catalyze support from other multilateral agencies, which will be critical to addressing the remaining financing needs. The authorities have taken timely, well-targeted measures to mitigate the adverse effects of the pandemic. They introduced extensive containment measures, which have helped flatten the infection curve. In order to mitigate the economic and social impact of the crisis, they adopted a temporary moratorium on tax payments, social transfers to protect the most vulnerable, and monetary and regulatory measures to ease credit and liquidity conditions.

May 1, 2020

Panama: Request for Purchase under the Rapid Financing Instrument-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Panama

Description: This paper focuses on Panama’s Request for Purchase Under the Rapid Financing Instrument. The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has disrupted Panama’s economy and created urgent balance of payments (BOP) and fiscal financing needs. The government has resolutely implemented measures to contain and mitigate the spread of the pandemic. However, significant uncertainties remain, and the economic fallout could intensify further if containment measures must be extended. The authorities stand ready to continue cooperating with the IMF in finding solutions to the balance of payments and fiscal imbalances. Measures have also been taken to maintain financial sector stability, including by allowing banks to use the accumulated dynamic provisioning to improve their liquidity position and absorb the impact of potential credit losses. The IMF emergency support under the Rapid Financing Instrument will help provide much needed resources to address BOP needs and support essential pandemic-related health expenditure. The support of other international financial institutions and development partners is crucial to close the remaining BOP and budgetary gaps, ease the adjustment burden, and preserve economic growth.

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