The BIS has been collecting and disseminating information on debt securities issues in domestic and international markets since the late 1980s. Statistics are collected for more than 50 economies. Following the publication of the Handbook on Securities Statistics, the BIS has been working with the central banks of these economies to improve the statistics in line with the recommended concepts, breakdowns, and presentation tables of the Handbook. Data on debt securities issues are reported on a regular quarterly (end-quarter) basis. The BIS disseminates the data in comparable formats in its publications and on its website.

The ECB publishes monthly data on issuances of debt securities and listed shares for the EU countries and quarterly data on holdings of debt securities, listed shares and investment fund shares for the euro area countries. The methodology for compiling the aggregates follows the statistical standards outlined in the Handbook on Securities Statistics.

The data on securities issuances and securities holdings are published in the ECB Data Portal and further information on the statistics is available on the ECB website. Both data sets also include detailed breakdowns for sustainable debt securities.

The IMF implements the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS), which provides data on stocks of cross-border holdings of debt and equity securities broken down by the economy of residence of the issuer. In addition, the IMF publishes data on issuances of green debt securities for around 80 economies as part of its Climate Change Dashboard data.