International Monetary Fund

Past IMF Disbursements and Repayments for all members
from January 01, 2000 to December 31, 2000

Historical data from May 1, 1984 to the present on the IMF's disbursements to members (loans and purchases) and repayments from members. The data, which is available by date or by member, also includes charges and interest paid, except in the SDR department.

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(in SDRs)
Month General Resources Account Poverty Reduction and Growth
Trust 1/2/
Resilience and Sustainability
Purchases Charges
Loans Interest
Loans Interest
Purchases and Loans Charges and
Interest Paid
Disbursements Repurchases Disbursements Repayments Disbursements Repayments Disbursements Repayments
December 31, 2000 4,089,625,000 513,196,974 22,005,014 99,353,500 61,232,336 14,166,518 0 0 0 4,188,978,500 574,429,310 36,171,532
November 30, 2000 214,023,333 436,905,164 565,525,276 19,760,000 64,306,400 296 0 0 0 233,783,333 501,211,564 565,525,572
October 31, 2000 32,105,000 567,505,114 0 38,020,000 47,768,177 0 0 0 0 70,125,000 615,273,291 0
September 30, 2000 372,320,000 479,245,806 0 60,326,000 74,975,625 0 0 0 0 432,646,000 554,221,431 0
August 31, 2000 265,916,000 2,787,463,708 565,105,005 53,120,000 28,931,473 1,673 0 0 0 319,036,000 2,816,395,181 565,106,678
July 31, 2000 236,940,000 637,726,707 0 73,451,000 21,143,940 186,901 0 0 0 310,391,000 658,870,647 186,901
June 30, 2000 420,550,000 591,736,327 65,433 40,702,000 61,275,894 15,098,087 0 0 0 461,252,000 653,012,221 15,163,520
May 31, 2000 221,720,000 817,349,535 605,171,477 951,000 63,540,630 0 0 0 0 222,671,000 880,890,165 605,171,477
April 30, 2000 158,300,000 5,896,377,561 0 20,000,000 46,053,577 0 0 0 0 178,300,000 5,942,431,138 0
March 31, 2000 905,100,000 609,883,937 0 36,800,000 73,563,315 0 0 0 0 941,900,000 683,447,252 0
February 29, 2000 260,000,000 1,160,904,754 625,626,059 29,300,000 27,725,306 28,204 0 0 0 289,300,000 1,188,630,060 625,654,263
January 31, 2000 1,420,000 751,054,572 0 20,714,000 24,659,721 10,352 0 0 0 22,134,000 775,714,293 10,352
Total for 2000 7,178,019,333 15,249,350,159 2,383,498,264 492,497,500 595,176,394 29,492,031 0 0 0 7,670,516,833 15,844,526,553 2,412,990,295

1/ Includes loans under the Structural Adjustment Facility and Trust Fund.
2/ Formerly Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and Exogenous Shocks Facility Trust.

The information provided is for your convenience and is not intended to replace other official IMF reports and statements.

Member Financial Data