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March 15, 1993

Public Expenditure Management

Description: This book, by A. Premchand, a former Assistant Director of IMF's Fiscal Affairs Department, provides a comprehensive discussion of the expenditure process in public authorities from a management perspective. It covers the various aspects, ranging from budget formulation to the courteous delivery of services to the public. In each, it considers the critical issues faced in industrial and developing countries and formerly centrally planned economies and discusses the efforts necessary to assure the public about the adequacy of public expenditure management machinery.

March 15, 1993

System of National Accounts, 1993

Description: The 1993 SNA represents a major advance in national accounting. While updating and clarifying the 1968 SNA, the 1993 SNA provides the basis for improving compilation of national accounts statistics, promoting integration of economic and related statistics, and enhancing analysis of economic developments. The 1993 SNA deals more clearly with relationships between economic flows (such as production, income, savings, accumulation, and financing) and links between these flows and stocks. At the same time the 1993 SNA reflects the many significant developments that have taken place in financial markets and completes the integration of balance sheets into the system. The 1993 SNA also suggests how satellite accounts (e.g. environmental accounts) and alternative classifications (e.g., through social accounting matrices) an be used to augment the central framework of the system.

Notes: Prepared under the auspices of the Inter-Secretariat Working Group on National Accounts of the Commission of the European Communities--Eurostat; International Monetary Fund; Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; the Statistical Division, Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, and regional commissions of the United Nations; and the World Bank.
See also Update to the System of National Accounts

March 15, 1993

A Guide to Direction of Trade Statistics

Description: This handbook issued by the IMF is primarily intended for users of the IMF's direction of trade database. The guide describes the collection, compilation, and dessemination of statistics on exports and imports by partner country. National compilers of statistics on trade by country may also derive some benefit from the Guide.


December 15, 1992

Policies for African Development: From the 1980s to the 1990s

Description: Despite economic hardships during the past 20 years, Africa has recently enjoyed positive real economic growth, transformed its economic structures and systems, and improved living standards. Much of this owes to the determined pursuit of growth-oriented adjustment efforts, with IMF support, by nearly 30 African countries. Edited by I.G. Patel, this volume discusses progress made by Africa in the 1980s and prospects and needs for continued development in the 1990s.

Notes: Papers presented at a symposium held in Gaborone, Botswana, February 25-27, 1991.

December 15, 1992

Foreign and Intratrade Policies of Arab Countries

Description: The challenge facing the Arab countries to maintain economic growth in the face of the deteriorating terms of trade affecting all developing countries was addressed in a seminar held in Abu Dhabi in early 1992. This volume, edited by Said El-Naggar, includes papers by contributors from the region as well as from the IMF.

Notes: Papers presented at a seminar held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, January 27-29, 1992.

September 15, 1992

Central and Eastern Europe: Roads to Growth

Description: The experience of Central and Eastern European countries with moving from centrally planned to open-market economies is examined in this collection of papers given at an April 1991 seminar, moderated by Georg Winckler and organized by the IMF and the Austrian National Bank.

September 15, 1992

Financial Programming and Policy: The Case of Hungary

Description: The case study of Hungary clarifies the specific macroeconomic policy requirements of countries in transition from centrally planned to market economies. The study, edited by Karen A. Swiderski, covers the period through 1990 and provides material needed to develop consistent projections of macroeconomic developments in Hungary.

September 15, 1992

Improving Tax Administration in Developing Countries

Description: Taxation, like politics, is the art of the possible--yet most public finance texts ignore the critical role played by tax administration in restoring macroeconomic balance and promoting equity and efficiency. This volume, edited by Richard M. Bird and Milka Casanegra de Jantscher, fills a gap in the literature by linking tax policy and tax administration reform and exploring ways to improve taxpayer compliance.

Notes: The papers included in the volume were prepared for a symposium sponsored by the Instituto de Estudios Fiscales of the Ministry of Finance of Spain.

June 15, 1992

Report on the Measurement of International Capital Flows

Description: The Report evaluates statistical practices relating to the measurement of international capital flows. In particular, the principal sources of statistical descrepancies in the component categories of the capital account in the global balance of payments are addressed.

Notes: Final Report of the Working Party on the Measurement of International Capital Flows. For background papers to this Report see the title: Report on the Measurement of International Capital Flows: Background Papers.

June 15, 1992

Current Legal Issues Affecting Central Banks, Volume I

Description: Edited by Robert C. Effros, this first volume in a new series for attorneys, economists, financial managers, and the general public is based on biennial IMF seminars held for central bank general counsels. Among the topics analyzed by international banking and legal experts are jurisprudence concerning the IMF's Articles of Agreement; the debt crisis; investment dispute settlement; banking regulation, deregulation, supervision, and secrecy; electronic fund transfers (EFTS); the Basle Concordat; sovereign immunity of central banks; and Islamic banking.

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