Policy Papers

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October 4, 2013

Report on Fiscal Safeguards Pilots

Description: This paper reports on the results of a pilot exercise on fiscal safeguards conducted by the Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD) during FY2013. The exercise was launched following an independent review of the existing safeguards policy in 2010 in which many Directors encouraged staff to highlight fiscal safeguards risks in cases where a substantial portion of the resources provided by the Fund for balance of payments support is channeled to state treasuries for budget purposes. Pilot fiscal safeguards exercises were conducted for five countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, and Kyrgyz Republic.

October 4, 2013

Unification of Discount Rates Used in External Debt Analysis for Low-Income Countries

Description: This paper proposes reforms to the discount rates used by the Bank and the Fund to (a) calculate the present value (PV) of the external debt of low-income countries (LICs) in debt sustainability analyses (DSAs) and (b) to calculate the grant element of individual loans. Consistent with the conclusions of the March 2013 review of the Fund’s debt limits policy, the paper proposes a single uniform discount rate to be used for these related operational purposes. It has been prepared as a joint product of Bank and Fund staff, with the exception of the decision, which is Fund-specific.

October 3, 2013

Key Trends in Implementation of the Fund's Transparency Policy

Description: At the time of the 2005 review of the Fund’s Transparency Policy, it was agreed that information on key trends in implementation of the Transparency Policy would be circulated to the Board regularly, along with lists indicating the publication status of reports discussed by the Board.

The set of tables provided in this report updates the last Key Trends with information on documents discussed by the Board through December 2012.

September 27, 2013

Guidance Note on Jobs and Growth Issues in Surveillance and Program Work

Description: This note provides operational guidance to staff on Jobs and Growth issues in surveillance and program work, building on the Board paper “Jobs and Growth: Analytical and Operational Considerations for the Fund” (hereafter, “Board paper”). Jobs and Growth issues can be defined broadly as issues relating to GDP growth, employment, and income distribution.

The Board paper noted that work on these issues needs to be consistent with both the Fund’s mandate and its areas of expertise. On a number of structural issues, especially related to labor market reforms and social protection schemes, the Fund would need to effectively collaborate with other institutions with greater relevant expertise.

September 27, 2013

Guidance Note on Jobs and Growth Issues in Surveillance and Program Work - Supplement on Country Case Studies

Description: This supplement provides case studies of how countries around the world have addressed jobs and growth challenges, and how Fund staff have helped in this. The studies are meant to provide cross country experience. They share a broad structure, organized around four questions:

 What was the initial situation regarding growth, employment, and income distribution?

 What policy measures were implemented to enhance growth and employment and to even out the distribution of income? Were potential complementarities or trade-offs between enhancing growth, employment, and income distribution considered?

 How did Fund staff help the authorities? For example, in which areas did staff help the authorities analyze issues, how did staff go about analyzing issues, and what were the main considerations that shaped staff’s recommendations?

 What were the results of policy actions taken?

September 20, 2013

Update on the Financing of the Fund’s Concessional Assistance and Debt Relief to Low-Income Member Countries

Description: This paper reviews recent developments in financing of the Fund’s concessional lending and debt relief. It reports the latest available data including the pledges made thus far in response to the Managing Director’s fund-raising requests of August 2009 and February and November 2012 aimed at establishing a self-sustained PRGT. The PRGT’s potential self-sustained capacity is discussed in the context of longer-term projections of the demand for concessional lending.

September 9, 2013

2014 Triennial Surveillance Review - Concept Note

Description: With the 2011 TSR laying out a wide ranging agenda for surveillance reform, the 2014 review will take a more narrowly focused approach and be mindful of the need to make cost-neutral recommendations. The themes and associated outputs will cover areas that address the IMF’s core mandate of ensuring the stability of the international monetary system, provide the most value-added for the membership, and leverage the Fund’s comparative advantages. The review will be based on: (i) a review and analysis of Article IV reports and multilateral surveillance products; (ii) guidance from an External Advisory Group at key stages of the exercise; (iii) background studies; and (iv) surveys and interviews with country authorities, staff, and other stakeholders. A review of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) will be conducted separately but concurrently with the TSR, with close coordination between the relevant authoring teams. The TSR will also take into account the findings of other recent work, including the progress report on the implementation of the Financial Surveillance Strategy, the range of papers on debt issues, the LIC pilot on financial depth and macroeconomic policy, the set of Board papers on the experience with unconventional monetary policies and the challenges of exit from these policies, and the planned discussion of communication issues with the Executive Board.

September 6, 2013

2013 Low-Income Countries Global Risks and Vulnerabilities Report

Description: An assessment of vulnerabilities and risks in LICs remains important both for LICs themselves and for the international community. There are currently 74 LICs, eligible for concessional financing from the Fund. This group of countries has a total population of about 1.3 billion, with an average per capita income of around $850. They typically face the steepest challenges in meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and are increasingly the focus of global development assistance to assist them in this endeavor.

This report serves several purposes. It provides a cross-cutting analysis of the economic vulnerabilities of LICs, yielding some general policy conclusions and messages aimed at strengthening their resilience to external shocks. It delivers a richer coverage of developments in LICs than is typically contained in the major IMF multilateral surveillance reports, where analysis is focused primarily on developments in the advanced and emerging market economies. The report serves as an effective outreach tool to country authorities and the wider public. Finally, it provides useful information to other international financial institutions (IFIs) and donors that provide financial resources to LICs on the potential financing needs of these countries under varying global scenarios.

September 3, 2013

Financial Surveillance Strategy - Progress Report

Description: This note provides background to the informal Board briefing on the one-year progress in implementation of the FSS. The Board will have the opportunity to review progress in implementing the FSS in the context of the 2014 TSR and the 2014 review of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP), as well as through periodic reports to the International Monetary and Financial Committee and the semi-annual work program.


September 3, 2013

Global Impact and Challenges of Unconventional Monetary Policies

Description: This paper takes stock of unconventional monetary policies (UMP) and their impact so far, and looks ahead towards exit and prospects for policy coordination. It synthesizes earlier staff work on UMP,1 the findings of a substantial and growing academic and central banking literature, as well as further staff analysis contained in the Background Paper. While some widely accepted conclusions have emerged from the large and growing number of studies on UMP, many important questions remain unsettled, as enough time has not elapsed to draw definitive conclusions. In those cases, the paper will pose the relevant questions and provide possible nswers, while recognizing the uncertainty that remains.

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