Policy Papers

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May 23, 2014

The Fund’s Lending Framework and Sovereign Debt - Preliminary Considerations

Description: As a follow-up to the Executive Board's May 2013 discussion, this paper considers a possible direction for reform of the Fund's lending framework in the context of sovereign debt vulnerabilities. The primary focus of this paper relates to the Fund's exceptional access framework, since it is in this context that the Fund will most likely have to make the difficult judgment as to whether the member's problems can be resolved with or without a debt restructuring. The objective of the preliminary approaches set forth in this paper is to reduce the costs of crisis resolution for both creditors and debtors—relative to the alternatives—thereby benefitting the overall system. These ideas are market-based and their eventual implementation would require meaningful consultation with creditors.

May 9, 2014

Spillovers in International Corporate Taxation

Description: This paper explores the nature, significance and policy implications of spillovers in international corporate taxation—the effects of one country’s rules and practices on others. It complements current initiatives focused on tax avoidance by multinationals, notably the G20-OECD project on Base Erosion and Profit shifting (BEPS). The paper draws on the IMF’s experience on international tax issues with its wide membership, including through technical assistance (TA), and on its previous analytical work, to analyze spillovers and how they might be addressed. In doing so, it goes beyond current initiatives to look at a wide set of possible responses.

May 8, 2014

Proposed Modification of the Policy on Provision of Consulting Services by the External Audit Firm

Description: At an informal Board meeting in January, there was broad support for removing the current blanket prohibition on the provision of non-audit-related consulting services by the Fund’s external audit firm and replacing it with a blacklist approach, subject to robust safeguards to ensure the independence of the external audit firm.

This paper makes specific proposals to implement such a change. This would align the Fund’s policy on the provision of consulting services by the external audit firm with practices followed in major jurisdictions and allow the external auditor to perform certain consulting services with proper safeguards to maintain the auditor’s independence. The proposed safeguards include: (i) a blacklist of prohibited services; (ii) an independence declaration by the external audit firm; (iii) limitations on the consulting fees that can be paid to the external audit firm; (iv) an oversight role for the External Audit Committee (EAC); and (v) review of consulting services provided by audit firms prior to the selection of a new external audit firm for the Fund.

The staff sought the views of the EAC, which concurs with the proposal to modify the policy on the provision of consulting services by the external audit firm along with the related safeguards.

May 1, 2014

Review of the Flexible Credit Line, the Precautionary and Liquidity Line, and the Rapid Financing Instrument - Specific Proposals - Revised Annex I

Description: This annex provides the key considerations for establishing the qualification framework to access financing under the FCL and PLL, with a view to promoting a predictable and evenhanded qualification process.

May 1, 2014

Review of the Flexible Credit Line, the Precautionary and Liquidity Line, and the Rapid Financing Instrument - Specific Proposals

Description: This paper responds to Directors’ request at the time of the February discussions of the Review of the Flexible Credit Line (FCL), the Precautionary and Liquidity Line (PLL) and the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI) for further analysis focusing on three key issues:
- The alignment of the FCL and PLL qualification criteria. The paper proposes a qualification framework for PLL arrangements based on the nine FCL criteria aiming to improve the transparency and predictability of PLL decisions, while maintaining the current qualification standards. The paper also proposes a refinement of the bank solvency criterion.
- The operationalization of an external stress index. The paper proposes a methodology to calculate a new index to strengthen discussions of a country’s external risks. Such an index would be presented to the Board at the time of requests for, or reviews under, FCL and PLL arrangements.
- The use of indicators of institutional strength. The paper argues that a limited set of new institutional indicators could be used to help broaden the indicators of institutional strength already identified in the FCL and PLL Operational Guidance Notes.

April 22, 2014

The Consolidated Medium-Term Income and Expenditure Framework

Description: The medium-term income projections have been updated since the last estimate provided to the Executive Board in April 2013. Lending income is higher compared with the earlier estimates as a result of new arrangements approved since April 2013. Non-lending income is lower primarily due to revised projections for investment income. The updated expenditure path assumes the net administrative budget remains constant in real terms at the FY 2014 level, implying a nominal medium-term path that is somewhat higher than in the April 2013 projections. Precautionary balances are projected to reach the current target of SDR 20 billion in FY 2018. The projections also illustrate a broad balance between income and expenditures even if lending were to return to pre-crisis levels.

April 16, 2014

Arab Countries in Transition - An Update on Economic Outlook and Key Challenges

Description: Despite uneven progress, there are early signs of improvement and macroeconomic stabilization in some Arab Countries in Transition (ACTs). 1 However, persistently weak growth and subdued private investment amid heightened regional insecurity continue to weigh on the task of reducing unemployment. This calls for accelerated reform efforts by the authorities to achieve higher, more inclusive, and more private sector-led growth, supported by external partners. In addition, mobilizing affordable external financing could help boost well-implemented public investment and provide a short-term impetus to growth and employment, thereby stabilizing difficult socio-political conditions on the ground and providing space for deeper structural reforms.

April 11, 2014

Provisional Agenda for the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee

Description: The following is the provisional agenda for the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee, which is to be convened at the IMF's Headquarters in Washington, D.C. on April 11, 2014.

April 8, 2014

Updated Guidance Note on the Fund’s Transparency Policy

Description: This note provides guidance to staff on the implementation of the Fund’s Transparency Policy. The objectives of the policy include strengthening the Fund’s effectiveness by providing the public with access to Fund views and deliberations, thus informing public debate and building traction for the Fund’s advice, supporting the quality of surveillance and of programs, by subjecting the Fund to outside scrutiny, and enhancing the Fund’s legitimacy by making the institution more accountable. A Transparency Policy Decision (referred to in the remainder of this note as “the Decision”) sets out rules for the modification and publication of all Board documents.

The "Transparency Policy Information Sheet for Country Authorities" is also available in: Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

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