Policy Papers

Page: 159 of 182 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163


September 10, 2004

Debt Sustainability in Low-Income Countries - Further Considerations on an Operational Framework and Policy Implications

Description: This paper seeks to address queries on several operational issues: (i) the robustness of the indicative thresholds; (ii) modalities for implementing DSAs; and (iii) operational implications for the Fund, Bank, and other international financial institutions and creditors.

September 3, 2004

Crisis Prevention and Precautionary Arrangements - Status Report

Description: This paper provides a status report and proposes directions for future work. It begins with an outline of the broader context of crisis prevention and Fund policies. It notes the broad consensus among Directors on the nature of the problem and the areas of agreement on existing Fund policies. It then summarizes the main arguments for and against a policy on exceptional access under precautionary arrangements to help prevent crises.

August 13, 2004

The Role of the Fund in Low-Income Member Countries

Description: This paper is meant to frame the Fund's policy agenda for low-income member countries in the coming months. It presents a statement describing the role of the Fund in low-income member countries (Section II). It then raises a set of current policy issues stemming from that statement (Section III). Finally, the work program for the coming six months is presented referencing the relevant policy issues (Section IV). It does not include all the activities in which the Fund is engaged in its work with low-income member countries, nor is it a catalogue of the Fund's policies as regards low-income members.

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