Policy Papers

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February 14, 2005

Review of the IMF's Trade Restrictiveness Index

Description: This paper examines the construction of the index and its use over the past seven years, identifies its limitations, examines several alternative measures of trade policy, and highlights some options for improving the Fund’s use of trade policy indicators.

February 8, 2005

Integrating IMF Communications and Operations

Description: Transparency and communication have become central to the IMF's mission. The main thesis is that an important means of further strengthening the IMF's external communication in the period ahead will be better coordination and integration of communication with the IMF's policies and operations, especially in country work and for major policy initiatives and issues. Options for implementing the IMF's existing external communications strategy that can be accommodated within existing budget limits are highlighted for discussion.

February 7, 2005

Review of Fund Work on Trade

Description: The Fund has responded to a number of recent challenges facing its members by stepping up its work on trade. The Fund’s trade agenda has been shaped by both Executive Board guidance and demands on missions. The present report assesses the Fund’s priorities in the trade area, takes stock of its work, and reviews the Fund’s collaboration and division of labor with other institutions.

January 16, 2005

IMF/Netherlands Program - Legal and Judicial Report in Indonesia 2000-2004 - External Evaluation Final Report

Description: The evaluation of the IMF/Netherlands Program for legal and judicial reform in Indonesia was undertaken during July 2004 in Jakarta by a team of three persons appointed by the Government of Indonesia, the Government of the Netherlands, and the IMF. All three are well acquainted with Indonesia and its legal institutions. Together they interviewed over sixty-six persons from twenty-nine institutions and organizations, including IMF and World Bank personnel, judicial personnel, other government officials, private contractors, non-governmental organizations in any way connected with the Program, and foreign donor organizations engaged in relevant programs. The members of the evaluation team and the list of those whom they interviewed can be found in appendixes one and two.

January 10, 2005

Subsidization of the Fund's Emergency Assistance for Natural Disasters to PRGF-Eligible Members

Description: This paper provides the semi-annual update on the financing of PRGF and HIPC operations and the subsidization of post-conflict emergency assistance.


December 13, 2004

MFD (Monetary and Financial Systems Department) Technical Assistance to Recent Post-Conflict Countries

Description: This paper reviews the recent experience with technical assistance (TA) to postconflict economies in the monetary and financial areas with a view to providing lessons for ongoing and future work.

December 13, 2004

Background Paper for MFD Technical Assistance to Recent Post-Conflict Countries

Description: This paper provides background information to the paper “MFD Technical Assistance to Recent Post-Conflict Countries.” The paper presents case studies on eight countries: Afghanistan, Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Kosovo, Serbia, Sierra Leone, and Timor-Leste.

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