Policy Papers

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August 8, 2005

Can PRGF Policy Levers Improve Institutions and Lead to Sustained Growth?

Description: Broad economic institutions are of fundamental importance for sustained economic growth. Changing these institutions is difficult, particularly for outsiders. But this does not mean that there is no role for the Fund to play in assisting low-income countries to create conditions for sustained growth acceleration.

August 8, 2005

Review of PRGF Program Design - Overview

Description: Part of the Fund’s periodic reviews of its policy advice to member countries, and responds to calls by Executive Directors for further staff analysis on improving the design of such programs. In the context of the recent discussions on the design of the broad range of Fund-supported programs, Directors also requested more in-depth analytical studies of disaggregated and homogenous groups, as well as a closer look at how progress towards external viability in low-income countries (LICs) can be improved. The review also seeks to address these requests.

August 8, 2005

The Macroeconomics of Managing Increased Aid Inflows - Experiences of Low-Income Countries and Policy Implications

Description: Investigates the macroeconomic challenges for low-income countries created by a surge in aid inflows. It develops an analytical framework for examining possible policy responses to increased aid, and then applies this framework to the experience of five relatively well-governed countries that experienced a recent surge in aid inflows: Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda. Each country’s policies were supported by a PRGF arrangement during most of the period under review.

August 8, 2005

Monetary and Fiscal Policy Design Issues in Low-Income Countries

Description: Considers possible adjustments in the design of Fund-supported programs, drawing on the experience of low-income countries that have successfully addressed the most apparent domestic macroeconomic imbalances.

August 8, 2005

Ex Post Evaluations of Exceptional Access Arrangements - Guidance Note

Description: This note provides operational guidance on content and procedures for Ex Post Evaluations. It is expected that each EPE would be tailored to fit the individual country circumstances.

July 28, 2005

The Fund's Transparency Policy - Proposed Amendments

Description: Provides a commentary on the main policy changes agreed by Executive Directors, provides a commentary on other amendments, many of which are designed to implement policy changes already agreed by the Executive Board in other contexts or to clarify the implementation of existing policies. Explains the original staff proposals that are not being retained. Reviews changes and clarifications endorsed by the Board that do not require an amendment to the transparency policy decision.

Notes: The Proposed Decision in this document was adopted by the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund on August 4, 2005 and is now in force.

July 22, 2005

Implementation of Basel II - Implications for the World Bank and IMF

Description: This paper informs the Executive Boards of the World Bank and the Fund of the main features and implications of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)'s new "International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards--A Revised Framework" ("Basel II").

July 22, 2005

Strengthening the Fund's Ability to Assist Low-Income Countries Meet Balance of Payments Needs Arising from Sudden and Exogenous Shocks -- Supplement

Description: The G-8 debt relief proposal, if adopted, should have little impact on the rational and operational aspects of the shocks window, but it may affect some of the financing consideratins, which are taken up in the page on "The G-8 Debt Cancellation Proposal and its Implications for the Fund.

July 13, 2005

Conclusions of the Task Force on IMF Technical Assistance

Description: Task Force proposals include: (i) preparation, on a pilot basis, of five TA country strategy notes in FY 2006 and, based on a positive assessment of the pilot, extension of the country coverage to possibly 50 countries in FY2007; (ii) enhanced strategic and monitoring role in TA for area department staff, including resident representatives; (iii) enhancements to the central TA information system under its ongoing Phase II; (iv) more systematic involvement of country authorities in the design and implementation of the TA they receive; and (v) more systematic discussion of technical options and their implications with the authorities before drafting TA reports.

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