Policy Papers

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April 20, 2007

Revised Guide on Resource Revenue Transparency

Description: The Guide, which is a companion document to the IMF’s Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency (2007), has been revised to reflect the new Code and to provide more recent examples of good practice by individual countries The Guide applies the good practices of the Code to the unique set of transparency issues faced by countries that derive a significant share of revenues from natural resources. It addresses issues arising both from the sheer size and volatility of such resources and the technical complexity of the transaction flows. The Guide supplements the Manual on Fiscal Transparency (2007).

April 19, 2007

Note to the Executive Boards of the IMF and the World Bank on the Revised Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision

Description: The purpose of this note is to inform the Executive Boards of the World Bank and the IMF of the main changes in the Basel Core Principles and assessment Methodology.

April 16, 2007

Staff Guidance Note on the Application of the Joint Fund-Bank Debt Sustainability Framework for Low-Income Countries (LICs)

Description: The guidance note covers analytical aspects of the DSA framework, including the main changes introduced in this note. It also discusses DSA design and operational implications and technical modalities for preparing DSAs including timing, information sharing, review, and clearance. It outlines arrangements for HIPCs and discusses a communications strategy. An annex provides a user’s guide to the templates.

April 11, 2007

Report of the Managing Director to the International Monetary and Financial Committee on the IMF's Policy Agenda

Description: Over the past six months, work has concentrated on making surveillance more effective, reforming quotas and voice, and reviewing the finances of the institution to place them on a sustainable footing. Progress has also been made with other key elements of the medium-term strategy, including capacity building, crisis prevention, and support for emerging markets and low-income countries. In January, the Fund welcomed its 185th member, the Republic of Montenegro

April 11, 2007

Progress Report on the Activities of the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)

Description: Since its last Report to the IMFC in Singapore, the IEO has focused most of its attention on completion of two evaluations; namely the IMF and Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa and the IMF’s Advice on Exchange Rate Policy. In addition work is progressing or has been initiated on a number of new topics identified in the last Report.

April 9, 2007

Review of the Fund's Income Position for FY2007 and FY2008

Description: The review of income for the year ended April 30, 2007 (FY07) builds on the midyear income review and the February 2007 meeting of the Committee on the Budget

April 4, 2007

Update on the Financing of the Fund's Concessional Assistance and Debt Relief to Low-Income Member Countries

Description: This paper provides a semi-annual review of the status of financing for PRGF-ESF lending, HIPC and MDRI debt relief, and subsidization of emergency assistance to PRGF-eligible members. The last review was completed by the Executive Board on September 6, 2006.

March 30, 2007

The FY2008-FY2010 Medium-Term Administrative and Capital Budgets

Description: This paper presents proposals for the FY2008–FY2010 medium-term budget (MTB) and seeks Board approval for the proposed FY2008 annual net administrative budget. The paper also presents the FY2008–FY2010 medium-term capital plan and seeks approval for expenditures on new capital projects beginning in FY2008. The impact of the proposed administrative and capital budgets on the Fund’s administrative expenses (as classified in the Fund’s financial statements), and hence on the Fund’s net income over the next three years, is identified.

March 27, 2007

Strengthening Debt Management Practices - Lessons from Country Experiences and Issues Going Forward

Description: This paper reviews Bank-Fund staff experience with strengthening public debt management (PDM) frameworks and capacity in developing countries. In 2001, the IMF and the World Bank developed sound practice guidelines in this area, followed by a pilot program to assist 12 countries develop and implement reforms. In addition, an assessment of PDM has been incorporated into surveillance work, where relevant, and included in other Bank and Fund advisory and technical assistance work. Based on these, the paper draws key lessons, identifies the continuing challenges facing debt managers, and proposes further capacity building and advisory work in PDM. The 12 countries in the pilot program were Bulgaria, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Indonesia, Kenya, Lebanon, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, and Zambia.

Notes: The paper was drafted by a staff team comprised of Allison Holland, Andrew Ndeti Kitili, Peter Kunzel, Brian Olden, Michael Papaioannou, Magdalena Polan, Bozena Elzbieta Radzewicz-Bak, Paul Ross and Jay Surti at the IMF and Phillip Anderson, Vikram Nehru, Abha Prasad, Marc Roland Thomas, Francis Rowe, Eriko Togo, Antonia Velandia, and Dana Weist at the World Bank. The preparation of the report was supervised by Udaibir S. Das (IMF) and Phillip Anderson and Vikram Nehru (The World Bank).

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