Policy Papers
March 18, 2010
Guidance Note on the Implementation of Post-Program Monitoring
Description: The Executive Board has agreed that post-program monitoring (PPM), with formal involvement of the Board, could be useful in certain cases. Specifically, the Board has decided that when a member’s outstanding credit from the General Resources Account (GRA) of the Fund, or from the Fund as Trustee of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT), or a combination thereof, exceeds a threshold of 200 percent of quota, and the member no longer has an arrangement or is not implementing a staff-monitored program with reports issued to the Board, there should be a presumption that the member will engage in PPM with the Fund of economic developments and policies after the expiration of the arrangement.
March 15, 2010
Borrowing Agreement with the Czech National Bank
Description: In light of the multilateral effort to ensure the adequacy of the financial resources available to the International Monetary Fund (the “Fund”), and with a view to supporting the Fund’s ability to provide timely and effective balance of payments assistance to its members, the Czech National Bank agrees to lend to the Fund an SDR-denominated amount up to the equivalent of EUR 1.03 billion, on the terms and conditions set out in this paper.
March 12, 2010
Guidance Note on the Fund’s Transparency Policy
This note provides guidance to staff on how to implement the Fund’s Transparency Policy, incorporating the revisions to the Transparency and Archives Policies agreed by IMF’s Executive Board on December 17, 2009 (effective March 17, 2010). It focuses on the publication of country papers and policy documents that have been prepared for Board consideration (“Board papers”).
The Fund’s approach to transparency is guided by the overarching principle in the preamble to the revised Transparency Decision. This overarching principle is also meant to guide practice in areas not covered by any explicit policy or where existing policies are unclear:
The Fund will strive to disclose documents and information on a timely basis unless strong and specific reasons argue against such disclosure, with this principle respecting and being applied to ensure the voluntary nature of publication of documents that pertain to member countries.
March 12, 2010
Fourteenth General Review of Quotas - The Size of the Fund - Initial Considerations
Description: Against the background of the global crisis and emerging lessons, the IMFC has called for concluding the 14th General Review of Quotas by January 2011. In framing the review, the IMFC has also emphasized that the Fund is and should remain a quota-based institution, notwithstanding the large increase in its borrowed resources to meet lending needs in the global economic crisis. As part of the quota review as well as the work on the Fund’s mandate, this paper considers both the appropriate size of the Fund’s resource base and its composition. It indicates a relatively wide range of quota increases, broadly centered on a doubling of quota resources.
March 11, 2010
Borrowing Agreement with the Bank of Finland
Description: In light of the multilateral effort to ensure the adequacy of the financial resources available to the International Monetary Fund (the “Fund”), and with a view to supporting the Fund’s ability to provide timely and effective balance of payments assistance to its members, the Bank of Finland agrees to lend to the Fund an SDR-denominated amount up to the equivalent of EUR 1.3 billion, on the terms and conditions set out below.
March 10, 2010
Application of Structural Conditionality - 2009 Annual Report
Description: Annual reports on structural conditionality (ARSCs) are prepared in response to the Board-endorsed recommendations of the IMF Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) Evaluation of Structural Conditionality. The first ARSC was issued to the Board for information in July 2008. It covered Fund arrangements and Policy Support Instruments (PSIs) approved during 1995-2007 and reviews through April 2008. The first ARSC reported that the average numbers of structural conditions were unchanged versus the period prior to the IEO report, that there had been further progress in focusing structural conditionality toward areas of core Fund expertise, and that overall implementation had improved.
March 4, 2010
Côte d'Ivoire-Assessment Letter for the International Financial Community
Description: This letter provides an assessment of recent macroeconomic developments in Côte d'Ivoire and an update on the discussions of Fund staff with the Côte d'Ivoire authorities on macroeconomic policies and structural reforms that could form the basis for the authorities' request for a new arrangement supported by the International Monetary Fund.
March 4, 2010
Fourteenth General Review of Quotas - Realigning Quota Shares - Initial Considerations
Description: Realigning quota shares is central to reform of Fund governance. Dissatisfaction with the distribution of quota and voting shares--in particular the view that they no longer capture the growing role and importance of emerging market and developing countries (EMDCs)--is widely seen as undermining the Fund’s effectiveness and legitimacy. In response, an initial reform was launched in 2006 focused on realigning quota and voting shares. The reform package agreed in early 2008 included a new quota formula, an aggregate shift in quota shares totaling almost 5 percentage points for 54 members (mainly EMDCs), a 2.7 percent increase in voting share of EMDCs as a whole, a tripling of basic votes, and an additional Alternate Executive Director for the largest member constituencies, currently the two Sub-Saharan African chairs. The 2008 reform was seen as a first step and it was agreed that future general quota reviews, beginning with the 14th Review, would aim at further adjustments in quota shares to ensure that they reflect evolving economic weights.
March 3, 2010
Implementation of the Joint Management Action Plan on Bank-Fund Collaboration
Description: This report assesses implementation of the Joint Management Action Plan on Bank-Fund Collaboration (JMAP), discusses the state of Bank-Fund collaboration more generally, and suggests ways to improve collaboration, including with respect to the challenges that have arisen in the context of the recent global economic turmoil. Overall, the report finds that while Bank-Fund collaboration has improved over the past two years, the JMAP has played a supporting rather than a central role in this. Further progress in JMAP implementation and in Bank-Fund collaboration more broadly, appears possible. The report describes a number of actions to be taken by both institutions to move the JMAP and collaboration forward.
March 1, 2010
Ex Post Assessments of Members with a Longer-Term Program Engagement—Revised Guidance Note
Description: This note updates guidance on key operational aspects of the policy on Longer-Term Program Engagement (LTPE) and on procedures for the preparation of Ex Post Assessments (EPAs). In addition to the definitional and procedural changes adopted by the Board on May 15, 2006 at the discussion of the paper on the review of EPAs, this note incorporates decisions taken by the Board on August 31, 2009 on easing work pressures.