Policy Papers

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August 26, 2010

The IMF-FSB Early Warning Exercise - Design and Methodological Toolkit

Description: The Early Warning Exercise (EWE) draws together a combination of analytical techniques, practical experience, seasoned judgment and unique databases in order to assess the potential consequences associated with economic and financial tail risks. There are several key features of the exercise. First, the exercise aims to help prevent the occurrence of financial crises and to limit their potential damage, not to predict the timing of crises. Second, coverage is fairly comprehensive, including both advanced and emerging economies. Third, the EWE is based on rigorous analysis and cutting-edge techniques, but it uses a holistic approach, drawing also various other tools rather than relying on a single crisis model. Fourth, it combines empirical analysis with forward-looking thinking, based on inputs from key policymakers and academics, in-depth real-world knowledge from practitioners, and seasoned judgment from IMF experts. The primary purpose of the EWE is to identify as early as possible the buildup of underlying vulnerabilities that predispose a system to a crisis, so that corrective policies can be implemented and contingency plans put in place.

August 25, 2010

Review of the Adequacy of the Fund’s Precautionary Balances

Description: The paper reviews the adequacy of the Fund’s precautionary balances and proposes a more transparent and rules-based framework for adjusting the precautionary balance target through time. The framework seeks to provide sufficient flexibility to capture the main elements considered relevant by the Board in the past when setting the target and draws on approaches followed by other IFIs, adapted to the particular circumstances of the Fund.

August 25, 2010

The Fund’s Mandate - The Future Financing Role - Revised Reform Proposals and Revised Proposed Decisions

Description: This supplement provides clarifications and proposes revision to the reforms of the nonconcessional lending toolkit contained in the staff papers on “The Fund’s Mandate—Future Financing Role: Reform Proposals”. The focus of this supplement is on the Flexible Credit Line (FCL) and the Precautionary Credit Line (PCL), for which revised proposed decisions are attached.

August 23, 2010

Key Trends in Implementation of the Fund's Transparency Policy

Description: At the time of the 2005 review of the Fund’s transparency policy, it was agreed that information on key trends in implementation of the transparency policy would be circulated to the Board regularly, along with lists indicating the publication status of reports discussed by the Board. The set of tables provided in this report updates the last Key Trends2 with information on documents published through December 2009.

August 20, 2010

Niger - 2010 Assessment Letter for the European Union and African Development Bank

Description: Niger’s macroeconomic performance and policies through end-January 2010 were assessed in the IMF Country Report No. 10/146, issued following the completion of the third program review under the arrangement under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) from the IMF. Since the military intervention in February, the near-term growth outlook has weakened, reflecting the intensity of the food crisis and some contraction in public spending, but the outlook for 2011 is broadly favorable provided that budgetary policies remain appropriately cautious, that normal weather conditions prevail, and that donor support for Niger picks up.

August 17, 2010

Review of the Fund's Strategy on Overdue Financial Obligations

Description: This paper reviews progress under the Fund’s strengthened cooperative strategy on overdue financial obligations. Since the last review, total arrears to the Fund declined by SDR 17.5 million to SDR 1,309.5 million. Payments to the Fund by Sudan and Zimbabwe were in excess of new obligations falling due, and a decrease in Somalia’s arrears resulted from the full settlement of its overdue obligations to the SDR Department in the context of the general SDR allocation in August 2009.

August 11, 2010

IMF Membership in the Financial Stability Board

Description: This paper examines the implications of the Fund accepting membership in the Financial Stability Board (“FSB”). The FSB Charter (the ―Charter‖) explicitly contemplates the possibility of the Fund and the other international financial institutions becoming members but notes that ―the acceptance of membership by the international financial institutions (IFIs) in the FSB is subject to the approval of their respective governing bodies.‖ An Executive Board decision is required for the Fund to accept membership and is proposed below.

August 11, 2010

IMF Membership in the Financial Stability Board - Decision

Description: The decision on IMF membership in the Financial Stability Board (as set forth above) was adopted by the IMF’s Executive Board.

August 11, 2010

The Fund's Income Position for FY 2010 - Actual Outcome

Description: This paper presents the Fund’s net income outcome for FY 2010. The actual outcomes in this paper follow the closing of the Fund’s accounts for the financial year and completion of the FY 2010 external audit conducted by Deloitte & Touche, the Fund’s external auditor. The paper also provides an update on the restructuring costs incurred during FY 2010.

August 11, 2010

Framework Administered Account for Selected Fund Activities-Kuwait Subaccount for Selected Fund Activities

Description: In March 2009, the Fund established a new Framework Administered Account to administer external financial resources for selected Fund Activities (the “SFA Instrument”). The financing of activities under the terms of the SFA Instrument is implemented through the establishment and operation of a subaccount within the SFA. This paper requests Executive Board approval to establish the Kuwait Subaccount for Selected Fund Activities (the “Subaccount”) under the terms of the SFA instrument.

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