Manuals & Guides

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June 25, 2003

External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users

Description: This Guide provides clear, up-to-date guidance on the concepts, definitions, and classifications of the gross external debt of the public and private sectors, and on the sources, compilation techniques, and analytical uses of these data. The Guide supersedes the previous international guidance on external debt statistics available in External Debt: Definition, Statistical Coverage, and Methodology (known as the Gray Book), 1988. The Guides conceptual framework derives from the System of National Accounts 1993 and the fifth edition of the IMFs Balance of Payments Manual(1993). Preparation of the Guide was undertaken by an Inter-Agency Task Force on Finance Statistics, chaired by the IMF and involving representatives from the BIS, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the European Central Bank, Eurostat, the OECD, the Paris Club Secretariat, UNCTAD, and the World Bank.

Notes: Also available in Arabic, Chinese (file 1, file 2), French, Russian, and Spanish.

March 6, 2003

A Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services

Description: The Manual sets out an internationally agreed framework for the compilation and reporting of statistics on international trade in services in the broad sense. It addresses the growing need, including in international trade negotiations and agreements, for more detailed, comparable, and comprehensive statistics on this type of trade in its various forms. The recommendations will enable countries to progressively expand and structure the information they compile in an internationally comparable way. The Manual conforms with and explicitly relates to the System of National Accounts 1993 and the fifth edition of the IMF’s Balance of Payments Manual. It is published jointly by the United Nations, European Union, IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, and World Trade Organization.


May 10, 2002

Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey Guide (second edition)

Description: This paper reviews the coordinated portfolio investment survey (CPIS) guide. The objectives of CPIS are to collect comprehensive information, with geographical detail on the country of residence of the issuer, on the stock of cross-border equities, long-term bonds and notes, and short-term debt instruments for use in the compilation or improvement of international investment position statistics on portfolio investment capital. This paper discusses the scope and modalities of the CPIS. It also presents key findings of the 1997 CPIS and 2001 CPIS.

January 28, 2002

Manual on Fiscal Transparency

Description: This Manual provides guidance on the implementation of the Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency by setting out its principles and practices in detail, and establishing priorities for improving fiscal transparency. Serving as a reference for economists and financial analysts on the various aspects of fiscal transparency, the Manual includes a section on open budget preparation, execution, and reporting, and presents the OECD’s best practices for achieving budget transparency.


December 19, 2001

Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001

Description: This Manual, which updates the first edition published in 1986, is a major advance in the standards for compilation and presentation of fiscal statistics. It is intended as a reference volume for compilers of government finance statistics, fiscal analysts, and other users of fiscal data. The Manual introduces accrual accounting, balance sheets, and complete coverage of government economic and financial activities. It covers concepts, definitions, classifications, and accounting rules, and provides a comprehensive framework for analysis, planning, and policy determination. To the extent possible, the Manual has been harmonized with the System of National Accounts 1993.

November 12, 2001

Guidelines for Public Debt Management

Description: These guidelines assist policymakers at all levels in considering reforms to strengthen the quality of their public debt management and reduce their countries’ vulnerability to international financial shocks. Vulnerability is often greater for smaller and emerging market countries because their economies may be less diversified, have a smaller base of domestic financial savings and less-developed financial systems, and be more susceptible to financial contagion through the relative magnitudes of capital flows. As a result, these guidelines should be considered within a broader context of the factors and forces affecting a government’s liquidity more generally and the management of its balance sheet.

October 23, 2001

International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity: Guidelines for a Data Template

Description: International financial crises in the late 1990s revealed that deficiencies in countries’ international reserves and related information made it difficult to anticipate and respond to crises by obscuring financial weaknesses and imbalances. This volume sets forth an innovative framework to assess countries’ international reserves and foreign currency liquidity. The framework takes account of official balance sheet and off-balance-sheet financial activities, future and potential demand for foreign exchange to meet official obligations, the availability of official foreign currency assets to meet such demand, and official risk exposure to exchange rate fluctuations. This work clarifies what international reserves are, and how international reserves and related information should be strengthened to promote informed decision making in the public and private sectors, thereby helping improve the functioning of global financial markets.

September 21, 2001

Developing Government Bond Markets: A Handbook

Description: This handbook is a comprehensive and authoritative reference for both senior policymakers—those responsible for the development of government bond markets in their own countries—and all individuals responsible for guiding the market development process at the operational level—those who have a substantial need to understand the policy issues involved.

Notes: table of contents, preface, and foreword available on World Bank website.

May 10, 2001

Quarterly National Accounts Manual: Concepts, Data Sources, and Compilation

Description: This Manual provides guidance to compilers of national accounts on the concepts, data sources, and compilation methods required for development of a system of quarterly national accounts. More and more countries are recognizing that quarterly national accounts are an essential tool for management and analysis of their economy. The Manual is intended particularly for compilers who already have a knowledge of annual national accounting concepts and methods, and provides techniques for the development of a consistent time series of annual and quarterly accounts. It serves as acomplement to the System of National Accounts 1993, which has only a limited discussion of quarterly accounts, and will also prove useful as a tool for sophisticated users of quarterly national accounts.

Notes: Also available in French, Spanish, and Russian.


December 6, 2000

Equity and Efficiency in the Reform of Price Subsidies: A Guide for Policymakers

Description: This text provides guidance to policymakers on how to design and implement sound price-subsidy reforms. It draws on the experience of price-subsidy reform in 28 countries. The authors discuss economic and political considerations and make several recommendations concerning the speed of reform and social protection mechanisms. They discuss how the social impact of reform can be limited by establishing cost-effective and well-targeted temporary social protection mechanisms, and how governments can reduce the risk of political disruption by distributing the initial burden of reform fairly and by clearly explaining the costs and benefits to the public.

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