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September 15, 1991

Public Expenditure Handbook: A Guide to Public Policy Issues in Developing Countries

Description: This handbook, edited by Ke-young Chu and Richard Hemming, offers guidance to officials formulating public policy recommendations, so that the aggregate level of public spending conforms with the economy's overall resource capacity. The handbook looks at the impact of public spending on the efficiency of resource use and explores the basis for distinguishing between productive and unproductive spending.

June 15, 1991

Macroeconomic Models for Adjustment in Developing Countries

Description: This volume, edited by Mohsin S. Khan, Peter J. Montiel, and Nadeem U. Haque, examines recent IMF-developed empirical macroeconomic models dealing with adjustment and stabilization policies in developing countries. Some models are relevant for specific countries, and others relate to groups of developing countries.

June 15, 1991

Perspectives on the Role of a Central Bank

Description: This book presents the proceedings of a conference held in Beijing, China, on the role of central banks. Among the speakers were Paul A. Volcker, Miguel Mancera, and Jean Godeaux. The paperss review the role of monetary policy, its formulation and implementation, the supervision and regulation of financial systems, and the structure and responsibilities of central banks. The book is jointly published, both in English and Chinese, by the People's Bank of China, the IMF, and the UNDP.

Notes: Proceedings of the International Conference on Central Banking jointly sponsored by the People's Bank of China, the International Monetary Fund, and the United Nations Development Program. The conference was held in Beijing, China on January 15-17, 1990.

June 15, 1991

The Evolving Role of Central Banks

Description: Central Banks should enjoy a fair degree of autonomy in pursuing price stability to promote long-run growth and prosperity. This volume, edited by Patrick Downes and Reza Vaez-Zadeh, contains the papers presented at the fifth IMF seminar on central banking issues in November 1990. The theme was the interdependence of central bank functions and the role of central bank autonomy.

Notes: Papers presented at the fifth seminar on central banking, Washington, D.C., November 5-15, 1990.

March 15, 1991

Banking Crises: Cases and Issues

Description: The condition of banking systems in developing countries strongly influences the design and effectiveness of economic adjustment policies. Bank portfolio weakness can limit the flexibility of interest rate policy, the scope of financial reforms, and the conduct of monetary and fiscal policy. This volume, edited by V. Sundararajan and Tomás J.T. Baliño, is a collection of papers by IMF economists. It examines the link between financial problems and macroeconomic policy and highlights the need for prudential regulations and the appropriate institutional framework to deal with problem banks and borrowers.

March 15, 1991

Sequencing Financial Sector Reforms

Description: Financial sector liberalization can spur economic growth and development, but reforms to liberalize the financial sector can also entail risks if they are not properly designed and implemented. One of the central questions for countries reforming their financial systems is how to sequence the reforms so as to maximize the benefits of liberalization and contain its risks. Edited by R. Barry Johnston and V. Sundararajan of the IMF's Monetary and Exchange Affairs Department, this book attempts to answer this and related questions by drawing lessons from financial sector reforms in selected countries. In particular, the book surveys financial sector reforms in Indonesia, Thailand, and Korea between the mid-1980s and mid-1990s.


September 15, 1990

Choosing an Exchange Rate Regime: The Challenge for Smaller Industrial Countries

Description: This collection of papers, edited by Victor Argy and Paul De Grauwe, examines issues surrounding the choice of exchange rate regime in smaller industrial countries. It contains a comprehensive summary by Jacques J. Polak.

Notes: Published jointly with Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Macquarie University. Contains proceedings of a conference convened at the Centre for European Policy Studies.

September 15, 1990

The Path to Reform: Issues and Experiences

Description: A compilation of 24 articles reprinted from Finance & Development that describe reform issues, the IMF's and the World Bank's work with them, and country experiences.

June 15, 1990

Fiscal Policy in Open Developing Economies

Description: Based on papers presented at the 44th Congress of the international Institute of Public Finance, this book, edited by Vito Tanzi, deals with public finance and macroeconomic policy in open, developing economies, with case studies of Chile, Mexico, Turkey, Korea, and the Arab oil exporting countries.

June 15, 1990

Government Financial Management: Issues and Country Studies

Description: Edited by A. Premchand, this collection of seminar papers and country studies examines recent developments in government accounting and financial management in selected industrial and developing countries. The country studies include Australia, Canada, China, India, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Latin American countries.

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