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June 15, 1992

Report on the Measurement of International Capital Flows: Background Papers

Description: The Background Papers gathers together a number of studies that were prepared as research to the final report. Although not a part of the report itself, these papers provide detail on a number of issues grouped together here by general topic; data sources and methodology, direct investment, portfolio investment, international banking statistics, and other capital flows.

Notes: For report of the Working Party see the title: Report on the Measurement of International Capital Flows.

June 15, 1992

Structural Adjustment and Macroeconomic Policy Issues

Description: This volume presents the proceedings of a conference, moderated by V.A. Jafarey, held in Lahore, Pakistan. papers given at the seminar addressed fiscal reform, monetary reform, privatization, and trade liberalization in the context of IMF-supported adjustment programs, with emphasis on the Pakistani experience.

Notes: Papers presented at a seminar, which was jointly sponsored by the International Monetery Fund and the Pakistan Administrative Staff College, and held in Lahore, Pakistan, October 26-28, 1991.

June 1, 1992

Fiscal Policies in Economies in Transition

Description: The collapse of central economic planning in many countries and the breakup of the Soviet Union have put into disarray systems of government revenues and expenditures in those countries. This collection of 16 papers, edited by Vito Tanzi, analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of fiscal policies under the old system of central planning and suggests ways to revitalize those policies in the newly emerging market economies.

Notes: English version reprinted March 1995.

January 15, 1992

The United States Economy: Performance and Issues

Description: This book, by a staff team headed by Yusuke Horiguchi, examines U.S. economic policy and performance in the 1980s, during which the United States enjoyed its longest peacetime expansion. Notwithstanding the buoyant growth and declines in inflation, the economy experienced low savings, current account deficits, swings in the dollar exchange rate, and structural problems--relating to the strength of financial institutions, the tax system, health care, and productivity.

Notes: Staff team headed by Yusuke Horiguchi included Charles Adams, Krister Andersson, A. Lans Bovenberg, Bankim Chadha, Daniel Citrin, David T. Coe, Sharmini Coorey, Robert Corker, Liam P. Ebrill, Owen Evans, Steven M. Fries, Lloyd Kenward, and Ellen M. Nedde.

January 15, 1992

Macroeconomic Adjustment: Policy Instruments and Issues

Description: IMF-supported adjustment programs aim to restore economic growth, while bringing about a sustainable balance of payments position. Achievement of these goals requires coordinated use of a variety of policy meansures, including monetary and fiscal, exchange rate, external debt management, and structural policies, which affect capacity use and productive potential. This book, edited by Jeffrey M. Davis, provides an introductory review of some of the policy issues in each of these areas.


December 15, 1991

The Economy of the USSR: Summary and Recommendations

Description: This study has been prepared by the staffs of the International Monetary Fund, the World Band, and the Organisation for Economic Eo-operation and development, and by consultants to the designated President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The findings, conclusions, and interpretations expressed in this study are those of the staffs concerned and should not be attributed to the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, or the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, to the executive boards or council of these organisations, or to their member governments. The summary report, produced by the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in consultation with the European Commission, provides a coherent analysis of the economic situation and a series of clear policy prescriptions for future reforms.

December 15, 1991

A Study of the Soviet Economy. 3-volume set: 3-Volume Set

Description: This three-volume study of the Soviet economy presents the detailed information, analysis, and recommendations for the summary report presented to the Group of Seven industrial countries in December 1990. The study was prepared by staff members of the IMF, the World Bank, the OECD, and the EBRD.

Notes: Vol. 1. xii+456 pp; Vol 2. vi+305 pp; Vol. 3. vii+408 pp.

September 15, 1991

The IMF's Statistical Systems in Context of Revision of the United Nations' A System of National Accounts

Description: Sponsored by the IMF's Statistics Department and edited by Vicente Galbis, this volume contributes to the international discussion that resulted in the UN's "A System of National Accounts, 1993." Experts from the IMF, UN, OECD, EC, and statistical institutions examine issues pertaining to external sector transactions, public sector accounts, and financial flows and balances.

September 15, 1991

International Financial Policy: Essays in honor of Jacques J. Polak

Description: During his distinguished career at the IMF, Jacques J. Polak served as both Director of Research and, subsequently as a member of the IMF Executive Board. His distinct contribution to the discipline of international financial policy is highlighted in this book edited by Jacob A. Frenkel and Morris Goldstein. The papers included were prepared for a conference, cosponsored by the Netherlands Bank and the IMF, held in Polak's honor in Washington, D.C., in January 1991.

Notes: Published in association with De Nederlandsche Bank.

September 15, 1991

How to Measure the Fiscal Deficit

Description: Fiscal policy seeks to equilibrate the public sector's financing needs with the private sector's demand for investment and a sustainable balance of payments. Correct measurement of the public sector's net use of resources is therefore an important prerequisite for managing the macroeconomy. This volume, edited by Mario I. Blejer and Adrienne Cheasty, is organized around four issues: the adequacy of summary measures of the fiscal deficit, conventional and adjusted deficits, coverage (size) of the public sector, and the public sector's intertemporal budget constraint.

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