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September 12, 1997

External Finance for Low-Income Countries

Description: Edited by Zubair Iqbal and Ravi Kanbur, this volume consists of papers presented at a joint IMF and World Bank conference on external financing for low-income countries. The primary focus was on the impact of external indebtedness on low-income countries, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa, the HIPC Debt initiative, the determinants and role of private capital flow, policies that could be implemented to catalyze private capital flows, and the appropriate role for official finance in the period ahead.

September 10, 1997

Banking Soundness and Monetary Policy

Description: Banking sector problems have affected many IMF member countries, and measures to remedy these problems as well as to prevent their recurrence deeply concern central bankers and policymakers. the papers and comments published in this volume and edited by Charles Enoch and John H. Green were presented at the Seventh Seminar on Central Banking sponsored by the IMF. The topics discussed include banking soundness and the macroeconomy, prudential standards, the role of the central bank during problems of banking soundness, and bank restructuring.

September 10, 1997

EMU and the International Monetary System

Description: This book, edited by Paul R. Masson, Thomas Krueger, and Bart G. Turtelboom, contains the proceedings of the seminar held in Washington, D.C. on March 17-18, 1997, cosponsored by the IMF and Fondation Camille Gutt. Conference participants discussed implications of European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) on exchange and financial markets, and consequently on the activities of market participants and private and official institutions. The five main themes of the seminar were the characteristics of the euro and its potential role as an international currency; EMU and international policy coordination; EMU and the relationship between the IMF and its EMU members; lessons of European monetary integration for the international monetary system; and the transitioin to EMU.

September 10, 1997

Fiscal Federalism in Theory and Practice

Description: Over the past few decades, a clear trend has emerged worldwide toward the devolution of spending and, to a lesser extent, revenue-raising responsibilities to state and local levels of government. One view is that the decentralization of spending responsibilities can entail substantial gains in terms of distributed equity and macroeconomic management. The papers in this volume, edited by Teresa Ter-Minassian, examine the validity of these views in light of theoretical considerations, as well as the experience of a number of countries.

September 7, 1997

Instruments of Monetary Management: Issues and Country Experiences

Description: Many countries have reformed their monetary instruments over the last few years. Edited by Tomas J.T. Balino and Lorena M. Zamalloa, this volume deals with the design, implementation, and coordination of major monetary policy instruments, highlighting relevant country experiences. In particular, it discusses how to adapt those instruments to the financial environment as well as how to help this environment to develop.

August 21, 1997

Systemic Bank Restructuring and Macroeconomic Policy

Description: Edited by William Alexander, Jeffrey M. Davis, Liam P. Ebrill, and Carl-Johan Lindgren, this volume discusses cross-country restructuring experiences building on the foundation laid by its predecessor Band Soundness and Macroeconomic Policy. It discusses broad principles and actions to guide policy makers in restructuring their banking systems.

July 18, 1997

Macroeconomic Issues Facing ASEAN Countries

Description: This volume, edited by John Hicklin, David Robinson, and Anoop Singh, contains papers prepared for an ASEAN conference held in Jakarta in November 1996. The conference aimed to review the macroeconomic record of the member countries of ASEAN, examine the factors that have contributed to the region's economic success, and identify the policy agenda for sustaining this success into the 21st century.

Notes: The 14 papers that make up this volume were prepared as background for a conference held in Jakarta in November 1996.

June 18, 1997

Macroeconomic Accounting and Analysis in Transition Economies

Description: This book, by Abdessatar Ouanes and Subhash Thakur presents the principal elements of macroeconomic accounting and analysis for the real, fiscal, monetary, and external sectors of a transition economy, using Poland as a case study. Background information, exercises, and issues for discussion are also provided.

June 17, 1997

Optimum Currency Areas: New Analytical and Policy Developments: New Analytical and Policy Developments

Description: Robert Mundell's pioneering theory of optimum currency areas is revisited, with experts from the IMF, the BIS, the European Investment Bank, academia, European think tanks, and the Bank of Israel looking at its current practical applications, especially in the context of the forthcoming European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Robert Mundell himself offers an update to help in assessing the implications and consequences of EMU.

May 13, 1997

Deepening Structural Reform in Africa: Lessons from East Asia

Description: As Africa looks for ways to deepen and accelerate the economic reform process, what lessons can East Asia offer? this book edited by Laura Wallace, records the proceedings of a seminar that involved a dynamic exchange of experiences by policy makers and senior government officials from Africa and East Asia and senior staff of international organizations. The seminar addressed themes such as the sequencing and pacing of structural reforms, the need for a broad political and social acceptance of change and reform, and the need for transparency and accoutability in economic management.

Notes: Proceedings of a seminar held in Paris May 13-14, 1996, International Monetary Fund, Ministry of Finance of Japan.

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