Spain: From Recovery to Resilience

Madrid, Spain

April 3, 2018

The conference aims to draw lessons, including for Europe, from Spain’s crisis responses and discuss policy options that ensure a sustained and inclusive economic path forward. The conference will bring together economists and analysts from academia, think tanks, and policy making institutions from inside and outside Spain.





Opening speech: Governor Luis M. Linde - Banco de España

Webcast (English)


Session 1: Lowering Fiscal Vulnerabilities (Background document)

Webcast  (English)

Chair: Myriam Fernández de Heredia

  • Servaas Deroose - Deputy Director-General, DGEconomic and Financial Affairs, European Commission (Presentation)
  • José Luis Escrivá - President of the Spanish Fiscal Council AIReF (Presentation)
  • Emma Navarro - Secretary General of the Treasury. Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Presentation)


Coffee break


Session 2: Reducing High Structural Unemployment and Labor Market Duality (Background document)

Webcast (English

Chair: Olympia Bover - Banco de España

  • Samuel Bentolila - CEMFI (Presentation)
  • Carlos Martín Urriza - Head of CCOO Economic Department (Presentation)
  • Stefano Scarpetta - Director, Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD (Presentation)


Keynote speech and Q&A:David Lipton - First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Read the speech

Webcast (English)
  • Moderated by Maria Tadeo - Bloomberg




Session 3: Raising Medium-Term Growth Prospects (Background document)

Webcast (English

Chair: Carmen Herrero - Universidad de Alicante

  • Diego Comin - Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College (Presentation)
  • Sylvie Goulard - Deputy Governor, Banque de France (Presentation)
  • Jorge Padilla - Senior Managing Director and Head of Compass Lexecon Europe, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Presentation)


Coffee break


Panel discussion: Completing the Banking Union (Background document)

Webcast (English

Chair: Poul Thomsen - Director European Department, International Monetary Fund

  • Elke König - Chair, Single Resolution Board
  • Geert-Jan Koopman - Deputy Director-General, DG Competition, European Commission
  • Luis M. Linde - Governor, Banco de España
  • Yves Mersch - Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank


Closing remarks: Minister Román Escolano Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness

Webcast (English)