2013 High Level Caribbean Forum

Nassau, The Bahamas

September 19-20, 2013

2013 High Level Caribbean Forum

Building Growth into the Caribbean Sustainability Agenda

A high-level forum on "Building Growth into the Caribbean Sustainability Agenda" will be held September 19-20 in Nassau, The Bahamas.

The forum is hosted by the International Monetary Fund and the Government of the Bahamas, in collaboration with the Caribbean Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the International Finance Corporation, and the World Bank, and will bring together finance ministers and central bank governors from across the Caribbean to discuss ways of addressing challenges to growth simultaneously while achieving fiscal and debt sustainability objectives. IMF Deputy Managing Director Nemat Shafik will deliver a keynote address.


Wednesday, September 18
7:00pm-10:00pm Registration and Opening Reception

The Dig Deck, Atlantis Hotel

Thursday, September 19


8:00am onward

Prince of Wales Room, Atlantis Hotel

Continental Breakfast
8:45am–10:30am Conference convenes with the National Anthem

The Crown Ballroom, Atlantis Hotel

  Welcome Remarks:
IMF – Alejandro Werner, Director, Western Hemisphere Department
CDB – President Smith
IDB – Vice-President Vellutini
IFC – Vice-President Prosper
World Bank – Vice-President Tuluy

Official Opening: The Right Hon. Perry G. Christie, M.P. Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, The Bahamas
10:30am–10:45am Photos
10:45am–11:00am Press Departs; Coffee
10:45am–12:30pm Session Moderator: Warren Smith, President of the CDB
  • What we know about Growth and how it can be useful for the Caribbean
    Jose de Gregorio, former Governor, Central Bank of Chile
  • Global & Regional Context for the Caribbean
    Alejandro Werner, Director, Western Hemisphere Department, IMF
  • Commentary by Country Authorities/Questions
    Dr. Ashni Kumar Singh, Minister of Finance, Guyana
    Dr. Alvin Hilaire, Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Luncheon hosted by the IDB

Prince of Wales Room, Atlantis Hotel

12:30pm–2:00pm Keynote Speaker: Dr. Kenny Anthony, Prime Minister, St. Lucia
Role of Regional Integration in Mitigating Vulnerabilities
PILLAR I. Private Sector Development: Key Channels

This session will focus on the findings on the regional Growth Forum, and the implications for the structural reform needs of the region.

2:00pm–3:50pm Session Moderator: Sophie Sirtaine, World Bank
3:50pm–4:00pm Focus: DFATD's Priorities for Caribbean Growth
Louise Clement, DFATD, Canada
PILLAR I. Private Sector Development: Competitiveness

This session will focus on the main competitiveness challenges and policies to address them.

4:15pm–5:30pm Session Moderator: Hon. Sir K. Dwight Venner, K.B.E., Governor, Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Cocktails hosted by the Government of The Bahamas

Buses depart the Cove at 7pm to the Old Fort Bay Club

7:30pm–10:00pm Cultural Reception: Government of The Bahamas
Friday, September 20


8:00am onward

Prince of Wales Room, Atlantis Hotel

Continental Breakfast
8:45am–9:15am Keynote Speaker: Hasan Tuluy, Vice-President, World Bank

The Crown Ballroom, Atlantis Hotel

PILLAR II. Sustainability and Growth

This session will discuss strategies for restoring sustainability while minimizing the impact on growth and protecting vulnerable groups.

9:15am–10:45am Session Moderator: Therese Turner-Jones, IDB
Adjustment Options
10:45am–10:55am Focus: DFID's Priorities for Caribbean Growth
Tessa MacArthur, DFID, United Kingdom
PILLAR III. Mitigating Vulnerabilities

This session will focus on best approaches for mitigating vulnerabilities to natural disasters and financial shocks.

11:00am–12:50pm Session Moderator: John Rolle, Financial Secretary,The Bahamas
12:50pm–1:00pm Focus: EU Priorities for Caribbean Growth
Claudio Salinas, European Union
Luncheon hosted by the World Bank

Prince of Wales Room, Atlantis Hotel

1:00pm–2:30pm Keynote Speaker: Nemat Shafik, Deputy Managing Director, IMF
Caribbean Challenges and Progress with the Small States Initiative
PILLAR IV. Managing High Debt

This session will discuss options for high-debt countries with a view to securing debt sustainability.

2:30pm–3:30pm Session Moderator: Alejandro Werner, IMF
3:30pm–4:30pm CONCLUDING SESSION: Round Table—Main Takeaways from the Conference

Session Moderator: Adrienne Cheasty, Deputy Director, IMF
Hon. Dr. Kenny Anthony, Prime Minister of St. Lucia
Hon. Peter D. Phillips, Minister of Finance, Jamaica
Hon. Michael Halkitis, Minister of State of Finance, The Bahamas
[Hon. Dr. Harold Lovell, Minister of Finance and Economy, Antigua and Barbuda]
[Hon. Wilson Laleau, Minister of Economy and Finance, Haiti]
CDB, IDB, IFC, IMF, World Bank
4:30pm Closing Remarks: Government of The Bahamas