IMF Videos


Iceland’s Journey

  • December 6, 2011


  • 05:50

In late 2008, Iceland became the first victim of the global financial crisis. Its entire banking system crumbled in just a few days.Three years later, a recovery is underway and confidence is returning. Find out how Iceland turned its economy around.

  • Jón Daníelsson (Reader in Finance, London School of Economics)
  • Gylfi Arnbjörnsson (President, Icelandic Confederation of Trade Unions)
  • Steingrímur Sigfússon (Minister of Finance, Iceland)
  • Finnur Oddsson (Managing Director, Iceland Chamber of Commerce)
  • Paul Krugman (New York Times Columnist and Professor, Princeton University)
  • Julie Kozack (IMF Mission Chief for Iceland),
  • Simon Johnson (Professor, MIT)
  • Kristin Ingolfsdottir (Rector, University of Iceland)