International Monetary Fund

Currency units per SDR for March 2025

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This rate, which is not used in Fund transactions, is the reciprocal of the SDR per currency unit rate, rounded to six significant digits.

Currency units per SDR for March 2025
Currency March 03,
March 04,
March 05,
March 06,
March 07,
March 10,
March 11,
March 12,
March 13,
March 14,
March 17,
Chinese yuan 9.559500 9.592510 9.599140 9.621400 9.643110 9.668470 9.640230 9.651580 9.639200 9.638830 9.652230
Euro 1.252670 1.247840 1.236600 1.230690 1.226110 1.227390 1.221870 1.223960 1.229040 1.223700 1.222780
Japanese yen 197.307000 196.574000 198.098000 198.222000 196.949000 196.085000 195.502000 197.262000 197.302000 197.581000 198.474000
U.K. pound 1.035440 1.033980 1.030920 1.031520 1.030090 1.029990 1.031610 1.030200 1.029230 1.029740 1.027790
U.S. dollar 1.310920 1.317340 1.322420 1.328650 1.331190 1.331100 1.333300 1.332400 1.331050 1.332490 1.333200
Algerian dinar 176.991000 177.252000 177.153000 177.168000 177.451000 177.517000 177.591000 177.479000 177.476000 177.798000 177.670000
Australian dollar 2.107590 2.127840 2.115860 2.093350 2.110990 NA 2.124110 2.118630 2.109440 2.117070 2.107490
Botswana pula 18.232500 18.271100 18.240200 18.175800 18.136100 18.184500 18.214500 18.202200 18.208700 18.228300 18.188300
Brazilian real NA NA 7.657850 7.637490 7.678550 7.710280 7.778650 7.762830 7.736760 7.650230 7.609370
Brunei dollar 1.769350 1.773800 1.772170 1.770430 1.774610 1.773030 1.777560 1.775430 1.773360 1.779400 1.778220
Canadian dollar 1.891400 1.908700 1.900310 1.901170 1.913050 1.920920 1.926760 1.917460 1.917920 1.917180 1.907010
Chilean peso 1,250.910000 1,255.570000 1,254.800000 1,244.550000 1,233.370000 1,235.600000 1,241.480000 1,249.060000 1,240.910000 1,252.800000 1,243.020000
Czech koruna 31.443800 31.264600 30.997400 30.802100 30.668000 30.604700 30.497900 30.590700 30.860500 30.597900 30.621000
Danish krone 9.342830 9.307610 9.223560 9.180040 9.145370 9.154410 9.113530 9.129670 9.169260 9.128840 9.122840
Indian rupee 114.484000 115.108000 115.169000 115.707000 115.895000 116.124000 116.433000 116.266000 115.913000 NA 115.711000
Israeli New Shekel 4.716690 4.756920 4.788470 4.803070 4.808250 4.829240 NA 4.845950 4.863670 NA 4.883530
Korean won NA 1,921.610000 1,930.200000 1,934.520000 1,919.040000 1,925.180000 1,935.290000 1,942.510000 1,932.690000 1,934.640000 1,939.540000
Kuwaiti dinar 0.404812 0.406598 0.407899 0.409423 NA 0.410046 0.410725 0.410447 0.410031 NA 0.410693
Malaysian ringgit 5.851310 5.885880 5.881450 5.882600 5.896500 5.882150 5.909850 5.906530 5.893900 5.922910 5.926730
Mauritian rupee 61.572600 61.442000 60.870900 60.420800 60.346800 60.318000 60.395600 NA 60.407600 60.431700 60.271100
Mexican peso 26.786500 27.469000 26.963100 26.942000 27.000500 27.011000 27.117800 26.891600 26.734000 26.475600 NA
New Zealand dollar 2.338210 2.347790 2.339110 2.322210 2.320970 2.327920 2.342620 2.333460 2.319520 2.337080 2.318010
Norwegian krone 14.649900 14.734500 14.616500 14.418800 14.417800 14.324300 14.215300 14.208400 14.253900 14.219400 14.096600
Omani rial 0.504050 0.506519 0.508469 0.510866 NA 0.511810 0.512655 0.512308 0.511792 NA 0.512615
Peruvian sol 4.821550 4.857060 4.836080 4.844260 4.864170 4.865190 4.885220 4.873940 4.875650 4.867580 4.855520
Philippine peso 76.020200 76.305600 76.442100 76.391900 76.194500 76.245700 76.459600 76.425100 76.327700 76.399400 76.323100
Polish zloty 5.258370 5.209170 5.128990 5.138430 5.118150 5.134470 5.130680 5.129230 5.133600 5.131280 5.110020
Qatari riyal 4.771740 4.795130 4.813590 4.836290 NA 4.845220 4.853210 4.849940 4.845030 NA 4.852860
Russian ruble 116.999000 117.566000 118.737000 119.010000 118.657000 117.653000 115.420000 115.413000 115.295000 114.020000 112.397000
Saudi Arabian riyal 4.915960 4.940050 4.959060 4.982440 NA 4.991640 4.999880 4.996530 4.991460 NA 4.999500
Singapore dollar 1.769350 1.773800 1.772170 1.770430 1.774610 1.773030 1.777560 1.775430 1.773360 1.779400 1.778220
South African rand 24.509500 24.483000 24.356000 24.397400 24.069100 24.360300 NA 24.426900 24.448400 24.248500 24.283000
Swedish krona 13.967300 13.850400 13.618000 13.490800 13.452300 13.463900 13.418000 13.434800 13.605500 13.526500 13.478100
Swiss franc 1.181930 1.172170 1.175760 1.176590 1.170580 1.166850 NA 1.175850 1.174660 1.179380 1.176820
Thai baht 44.909500 44.747500 44.570600 44.682600 44.927700 44.966100 45.191000 45.024600 44.967100 44.866200 44.862200
Trinidadian dollar NA NA 8.903290 8.969900 8.997090 9.016480 9.022100 9.006250 8.991670 8.993370 9.011360
U.A.E. dirham 4.814360 4.837950 4.856560 4.879480 NA 4.888470 4.896560 4.893250 4.888300 NA 4.896180
Uruguayan peso NA NA 56.326900 56.322800 56.431800 56.233800 56.545400 56.570000 56.707000 56.464300 56.103800

Currency units per SDR for March 2025 (Continued)
Currency March 18,
March 19,
March 20,
March 21,
Chinese yuan 9.632800 9.644220 9.633170 9.641710
Euro 1.220890 1.222930 1.228490 1.228780
Japanese yen 199.238000 199.334000 NA 198.203000
U.K. pound 1.028090 1.026720 1.026790 1.027570
U.S. dollar 1.332960 1.332620 1.330820 1.330400
Algerian dinar 177.412000 177.635000 177.572000 177.824000
Australian dollar 2.090920 2.096310 2.097770 2.115440
Botswana pula 18.110900 18.155600 18.106500 18.150100
Brazilian real 7.577360 7.549450 7.535400 NA
Brunei dollar 1.775770 1.774260 1.771590 1.777020
Canadian dollar 1.906270 1.909120 NA NA
Chilean peso 1,230.750000 1,223.310000 1,221.380000 1,232.150000
Czech koruna 30.571500 30.569100 30.718100 30.680400
Danish krone 9.107630 9.122090 9.163800 9.166240
Indian rupee 115.529000 115.274000 114.855000 114.705000
Israeli New Shekel 4.885320 4.892060 4.885460 4.918500
Korean won 1,930.130000 1,928.440000 1,932.760000 1,941.320000
Kuwaiti dinar 0.410620 0.410381 0.409828 NA
Malaysian ringgit NA 5.904200 5.890220 5.884360
Mauritian rupee 60.124700 60.164500 60.351100 60.812100
Mexican peso 26.638600 26.726200 26.795500 NA
New Zealand dollar 2.288940 2.291110 2.293140 2.308520
Norwegian krone 14.074400 14.069800 14.130700 14.009400
Omani rial 0.512524 0.512395 0.511703 NA
Peruvian sol 4.842660 4.818770 NA NA
Philippine peso 76.295100 76.345800 76.178900 76.057800
Polish zloty 5.085510 5.127000 5.146970 5.158490
Qatari riyal 4.851990 4.850740 4.844210 NA
Russian ruble 108.639000 110.406000 112.316000 112.605000
Saudi Arabian riyal 4.998630 4.997350 4.990590 NA
Singapore dollar 1.775770 1.774260 1.771590 1.777020
South African rand 24.015600 24.293900 24.186500 NA
Swedish krona 13.426100 13.455300 13.549600 13.434300
Swiss franc 1.172870 1.171380 1.173790 1.171290
Thai baht 44.790200 44.829600 44.769000 45.014000
Trinidadian dollar 8.989010 9.016810 NA NA
U.A.E. dirham 4.895310 4.894070 4.887440 NA
Uruguayan peso 56.320300 56.283500 NA NA
The value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR is the reciprocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quantities of the SDR basket currencies. See SDR Valuation.
These rates are the official rates used by the Fund to conduct operations with member countries. The rates are derived from the currency's representative exchange rate, as reported by the central bank, normally against the U.S. dollar at spot market rates and rounded to six significant digits. See Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies.
The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR (shown above) is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.
Exchange rates are published daily except on IMF holidays, or whenever the IMF is closed for business, or on an ad-hoc basis to facilitate unscheduled IMF operations.
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