IMF Videos

Annual and spring meetings Conferences

Debt Restructuring: Why Too Little and Too Late

  • October 11, 2022


  • 46:03

With rising interest rates, the strengthening of the US dollar, and weaker global growth, the risks of a systemic sovereign debt crisis are rising. The panel explores options for debt restructuring mechanisms from a private sector perspective.

  • Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator the Financial Times
  • Gita Gopinath, First Deputy Managing Director IMF
  • Lee C. Buchheit, Honorary Professor at Edinburgh Law School University of Edinburgh
  • Elena Duggar, Chair Moody’s Macroeconomic Board and managing director of Credit Strategy & Research
  • Anna Gelpern, Professor at Georgetown Law School
  • Axel A. Weber, President of the Center for Financial Studies Goethe University