IMF Videos

Annual and spring meetings

Seminar: Challenges of Job-Rich and Inclusive Growth - Session 3: Sharing the fruits of growth

  • October 8, 2014


  • 1:24:26

Rising income inequality across economies is a significant concern, not least because countries with higher inequality tend to have growth that is lower and also less durable. This panel discusses how to promote growth that is more equally shared...

  • Moderator: Heather Boushey, Executive Director Washington Center for Equitable Growth
  • Nancy Birdsall, President of Center for Global Development
  • Jose Antonio Ocampo, Professor of Professional Practice Columbia University
  • Alonso Segura, Minister of Economy and Finance Peru
  • Laura Tyson, Director of the Institute for Business and Social Impact University of California Berkeley
  • Justin Wolfers, Brookings Institution