IMF Videos

Annual and spring meetings Conferences

IMF Fiscal Forum 2014

  • May 19, 2014


  • 03:31

The fifth IMF Fiscal Forum discussed the near-term challenges for fiscal policy as monetary policy normalizes and assessed the scope for fiscal policy to promote higher, equitable, and more inclusive growth in a challenging global environment.

  • Christine Lagarde, Managing Director IMF
  • Tim Adams, President Institute of International Finance
  • David Lipton, First Deputy Managing Director IMF
  • Charles Evans, President Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
  • Willem Buiter, Chief Economist Citigroup
  • Adam Posen, President Peterson Institute for International Economics
  • Sanjeev Gupta, Acting Director Fiscal Affairs Department IMF
  • Alistair Darling, Former Chancellor of the Exchequer United Kingdom
  • José de Gregorio, Former Central Bank Governor and Minister of Economy Chile