Rabah Arezki
Last Updated: August 31, 2016
Rabah Arezki is Chief of the Commodities Unit in the IMF Research Department and is also a non-resident fellow at the Brookings Institution and an external research associate at the University of Oxford. He received his MS in statistics and economics from the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique in Paris and Ph.D in economics from European University Institute, Florence. He has written on energy, commodities, development economics and international macroeconomics. He has published widely in academic journals including the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Economic Journal, the European Economic Review, the Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Development Economics, the World Bank Economic Review, and the American Journal of Agricultural Economics. He is the Editor of the IMF Research Bulletin and an Associate Editor of the Revue d'économie du développement. He has co-edited special issues of academic journals including of the Journal of Money Credit and Banking, and the Journal of International Money and Finance, and Oxford Economics Papers. He is the co-author, or co-editor of several books including Beyond the Curse: Policies to Harness the Power of Natural Resources, Commodity Price Volatility and Inclusive Growth in Low-Income Countries and Shifting Commodities Markets in a Globalized World. Many of his research papers have been cited extensively in academic circles and in prominent media outlets such as the Economist, Financial Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. His blog posts including on the recent oil drop and its consequences have been viewed over hundred thousand times and have been listed as the most read IMF blog posts. He is also a frequent contributor to Finance and Development magazine.
Personal WebPage: http://ideas.repec.org/e/par153.html
Fluent In: Arabic, French, Italian.
PhD Economics European University Institute, 2006.
Visiting Scholar Economics Department Boston University, 2003.
M.Sc. Statistics Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique (ENSAE), 2003.
Previous Experience:
Economist, CEPII, OFCE and CEPREMAP 1999-2000
Referee Activities:
Journal of the European Economic Association, Economic Journal, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Development Economics, World Bank Economic Review, World Development...
Other Professional Positions:
Non-resident fellow at the Brookings Institution
Treasurer of the African Econometrics Society
Research Associate, OxCarre, Economics Department, University of Oxford, UK
Research Affiliate, CESifo Research Network, Munich, Germany
Research Fellow, Economic Research Forum, Cairo, Egypt
Resource Person (Project Evaluator), African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi, Kenya
Research Fellow, Navarra Center for International Development (NCID), University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
IMF Books and Working Papers:
The Globalization of Farmland: Theory and Empirical Evidence , Working Paper No. 18/145 , June 22, 2018
Shifting Commodity Markets in a Globalized World , December 01, 2017
From Global Savings Glut to Financing Infrastructure : The Advent of Investment Platforms , Working Paper No. 16/18 , February 09, 2016
News Shocks in Open Economies : Evidence from Giant Oil Discoveries , Working Paper No. 15/209 , September 29, 2015
Global Implications of Lower Oil Prices , Staff Discussion Notes. No. 15/15 , July 14, 2015
Testing the Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis since 1650 : Evidence from Panel Techniques that Allow for Multiple Breaks , Working Paper No. 13/180 , August 15, 2013
Commodity Price Volatility and Inclusive Growth in Low-Income Countries , October 24, 2012
Education Attainment in Public Administration Around the World : Evidence from a New Dataset , Working Paper No. 12/231 , September 21, 2012
Structural Reforms, IMF Programs and Capacity Building : An Empirical Investigation , Working Paper No. 12/232 , September 21, 2012
Resource Windfalls, Optimal Public Investment and Redistribution : The Role of Total Factor Productivity and Administrative Capacity , Working Paper No. 12/200 , August 01, 2012
Commodity Prices and Exchange Rate Volatility : Lessons from South Africa’s Capital Account Liberalization , Working Paper No. 12/168 , June 01, 2012
Natural Resources, Volatility, and Inclusive Growth : Perspectives From the Middle East and North Africa , Working Paper No. 12/111 , May 01, 2012
Beyond the Curse : Policies to Harness the Power of Natural Resources , January 19, 2012
The Relative Volatility of Commodity Prices : A Reappraisal , Working Paper No. 11/279 , December 01, 2011
Are there Spillover Effects From Munis? , Working Paper No. 11/290 , December 01, 2011
What Drives the Global Land Rush? , Working Paper No. 11/251 , November 01, 2011
Rainfall, Financial Development, and Remittances : Evidence From Sub-Saharan Africa , Working Paper No. 11/153 , July 01, 2011
Resource Windfalls, Macroeconomic Stability and Growth : The Role of Political Institutions , Working Paper No. 11/142 , June 01, 2011
Food Prices and Political Instability , Working Paper No. 11/62 , March 01, 2011
Sovereign Rating News and Financial Markets Spillovers : Evidence From the European Debt Crisis , Working Paper No. 11/68 , March 01, 2011
Commodity Windfalls, Polarization, and Net Foreign Assets: Panel Data Evidence on the Voracity Effect , Working Paper No. 10/209 , September 01, 2010
Resource Windfalls and Emerging Market Sovereign Bond Spreads: The Role of Political Institutions , Working Paper No. 10/179 , July 01, 2010
Boom-Bust Cycle, Asymmetrical Fiscal Response and the Dutch Disease , Working Paper No. 10/94 , April 01, 2010
Development Accounting and the Rise of TFP , Working Paper No. 10/101 , April 01, 2010
International Commodity Price Shocks, Democracy, and External Debt , Working Paper No. 10/53 , March 01, 2010
Oil Rents, Corruption, and State Stability: Evidence From Panel Data Regressions , Working Paper No. 09/267 , December 01, 2009
Tourism Specialization and Economic Development : Evidence from the UNESCO World Heritage List , Working Paper No. 09/176 , August 01, 2009
An Alternative Explanation for the Resource Curse: The Income Effect Channel , Working Paper No. 09/112 , May 01, 2009
Global Imbalances and Petrodollars , Working Paper No. 09/89 , April 01, 2009
Can the Natural Resource Curse Be Turned Into a Blessing? The Role of Trade Policies and Institutions , Working Paper No. 07/55 , March 01, 2007
The Composition of Capital Flows: Is South Africa Different? , Working Paper No. 05/40 , March 01, 2005
Publications in Journals (Refereed)
“News Shock and the Current Account: Evidence from Giant Oil Discoveries” joint with Valerie Ramey and Liugang Sheng, The Quarterly Journal of Economics (forthcoming).
“The Relative Volatility of Commodity Prices: A Reappraisal" joint Daniel Lederman and Hongyan Zhao, the American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
"Global Imbalances and Petrodollars" jointly with Fuad Hasanov, World Economy.
Arezki, Rabah & Olivier Blanchard, 2015. “7 Questions about the Oil Price Slump” Rivista Energia (in Italian).
Arezki, Rabah & Harris Selod and Klaus Deininger, 2015 “What Drives the Global Land Rush?”, World Bank Economic Review 29 (2): 207-233.
“Resource Rents, Corruption and Democracy: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Countries” joint with Thorvaldur Gylfason, Journal of African Economies.
“What Drives the Global Land Rush?” joint with Harris Selod and Klaus Deininger, the World Bank Economic Review
Arezki, Rabah & Thorsten Beck, Robert De Young, John V. Duca, Prakash Loungani and Anthony Murphy, 2015. “A Conference on Housing, Stability, and the Macroeconomy: International Perspectives” Journal of Money Credit and Banking.
“Financing Africa’s Infrastructure Deficit: From Development Banking to Long-Term Investing”, with Amadou Sy. Journal of African Economies (forthcoming)
“Breaking the Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis Using Panel Data Stationarity Test” joint with Kaddour Hadri, Eiji Kurozumi, and Yao Rao, Economics Letters
"Boom-Bust Cycle, Asymmetrical Fiscal Response and the Dutch Disease" joint with Kareem Ismail, Journal of Development Economics.
“Food Price Volatility and Consequences”, with Yaw Nyarko and Karim El Aynaoui. Introduction to the Special Issue entitled Food Price Volatility and Policy Challenges in Oxford Economic Papers, 2016.
“Commodity Price and Exchange Volatility: Lessons from South Africa’s Capital Account Liberalization” with Elena Dumitrescu, Marc Quintyn and Andreas Freytag forthcoming in Emerging Markets Review.
“Commodity Price Shocks, Democracy and External Debt” joint with Markus Bruckner, The Economic Journal.
“Oil Rents, Corruption and State Stability: Evidence from Panel Data Regressions”, joint with Markus Bruckner, European Economic Review.
“Testing the Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis since 1650: Evidence from Panel Techniques that Allow for Multiple Breaks” joint with Kaddour Hadri and Prakash Loungani published in the Journal of International Money and Finance.
“Understanding International Commodity Price Fluctuations” joint with Prakash Loungani, Rick van der Ploeg, and Tony Venables published in the Journal of International Money and Finance.
“Commodity Windfalls, Polarization and Net Foreign Asset: Panel Data Evidence of the Voracity Effect” joint with Markus Bruckner, Journal of International Economics.
“Rainfall, Financial Development, and Remittances: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa” joint with Markus Bruckner, Journal of International Economics.
“Food Prices and Political Instability” joint with Markus Bruckner, published in World Development
“Resource Windfalls and Emerging Market Sovereign Bond Spreads: The Role of Political Institutions” joint with Markus Bruckner, World Bank Economic Review.
“Do Natural Resources Depress Income Per Capita?” joint with Rick van der Ploeg, Review of Development Economics, 2011.
“An Alternative Explanation for the Resource Curse: The Income Effect Channel, joint with Ali Alichi, Applied Economics.
“Demography, Credit and Institutions: A Global Perspective” Emerging Markets Review, 2011.
“La Course aux Terres: Quelques Eclairages Empiriques”, joint with Klaus Deininger and Harris Selod, Economie et Statistique
“Trade Policies, Institutions and the Natural Resource Curse”, joint with Rick van der Ploeg, Applied Economics Letters, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 17(15), pages 1443-1451.
“The Composition of Capital Flows: Is South Africa Different?” with Norbert Funke and Faisal Ahmed, Journal of International Development, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 19(2), pages 275-294.
“Vieillissement démographique et transferts internationaux d’épargne: premiers enseignements du modèle INGENUE”, in collaboration with INGENUE team (Michel Juilliard, Bronka Rzekowpski and al.), special issue of Revue d’Economie Politique, pp. 195 -214, February 2001.
Publications in Books and Conference Volumes
"Introduction" joint with Marc Quintyn, Cathy Pattillo and Min Zhu forthcoming in Commodity Price Volatility and Inclusive Growth in Low-Income Countries eds. Rabah Arezki, Marc Quintyn and Catherine Pattillo, foreword by Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund, forthcoming July 2012.
"Capital Flight Risk" joint with Gregoire Rota-Graziosi and Lemma Senbet forthcoming in Finance and Development, September 2013.
“Global Imbalances: Petrodollars in the Lead”, joint with Fuad Hasanov, World Economics
Degrees of Development joint with Marc Quintyn in Finance and Development, March 2013
"Spend or Send" joint with Arnaud Dupuy and Alan Gelb in Finance and Development, December 2012.
"The Global Land Rush" joint with Klaus Deininger and Harris Selod, in Finance and Development, March 2012.
“Less Volatile than Meets the Eye” joint with Daniel Lederman and Hongyan Zhao, in Finance and Development, December 2011.
“Municipal Fallout” joint with Bertrand Candelon and Amadou Sy in Finance and Development, September 2011.
“Bad News Spreads” joint with Bertrand Candelon and Amadou Sy in Finance and Development, December 2010.
“Debt and Democracy” joint with Markus Bruckner in Finance and Development, June 2010.
“Natural Resources, Volatility and Economic Growth: Perspectives from the Middle East and North Africa” joint with Governor Mustapha Nabli forthcoming in Commodity Price Volatility and Inclusive Growth in Low-Income Countries eds. Rabah Arezki, Marc Quintyn and Catherine Pattillo, foreword by Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund, forthcoming July 2012.
“UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Tourism and Economic Growth” joint with Reda Cherif and John Piotrowski in The Economics of Uniqueness: Historic Cities and Cultural Heritage Assets as Public Goods edited by the World Bank, forthcoming 2012.
“Commodity Price Volatility, Democracy and Economic Growth” joint with Thorvaldur Gylfason, in Frontiers of Economic Growth and Development, ed. Olivier de La Grandville, foreword by Kenneth Arrow and Robert Solow, Emerald, 2011.
“Fiscal Policy in Commodity Exporting Countries: Stability and Growth” in Natural Resources, Finance and Development, eds. Rabah Arezki, Thorvaldur Gylfason and Amadou Sy, foreword by Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund, forthcoming, 2011.
“A Long-Term Model for the World Economy,” in collaboration with INGENUE team. Published in “Market Imperfections and Macroeconomic Dynamics”, J.O. Hairault et H. Kempf (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, chap.3, pp. 51-73, 2002.
“Economie et Démographie Mondiales au XXI° siècle: le Nombre et le Savoir”, in collaboration with INGENUE team, in L’année de la régulation: économie et démographie, La Découverte, Paris, 2000.
Rabah Arezki is Chief of the Commodities Unit in the IMF Research Department and is also a non-resident fellow at the Brookings Institution and an external research associate at the University of Oxford. He received his MS in statistics and economics from the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique in Paris and Ph.D in economics from European University Institute, Florence. He has written on energy, commodities, development economics and international macroeconomics. He has published widely in academic journals including the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Economic Journal, the European Economic Review, the Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Development Economics, the World Bank Economic Review, and the American Journal of Agricultural Economics. He is the Editor of the IMF Research Bulletin and an Associate Editor of the Revue d'économie du développement. He has co-edited special issues of academic journals including of the Journal of Money Credit and Banking, and the Journal of International Money and Finance, and Oxford Economics Papers. He is the co-author, or co-editor of several books including Beyond the Curse: Policies to Harness the Power of Natural Resources, Commodity Price Volatility and Inclusive Growth in Low-Income Countries and Shifting Commodities Markets in a Globalized World. Many of his research papers have been cited extensively in academic circles and in prominent media outlets such as the Economist, Financial Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. His blog posts including on the recent oil drop and its consequences have been viewed over hundred thousand times and have been listed as the most read IMF blog posts. He is also a frequent contributor to Finance and Development magazine.
Personal WebPage: http://ideas.repec.org/e/par153.html
Fluent In: Arabic, French, Italian.
PhD Economics European University Institute, 2006.
Visiting Scholar Economics Department Boston University, 2003.
M.Sc. Statistics Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique (ENSAE), 2003.
Previous Experience:
Economist, CEPII, OFCE and CEPREMAP 1999-2000
Referee Activities:
Journal of the European Economic Association, Economic Journal, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Development Economics, World Bank Economic Review, World Development...
Other Professional Positions:
Non-resident fellow at the Brookings Institution
Treasurer of the African Econometrics Society
Research Associate, OxCarre, Economics Department, University of Oxford, UK
Research Affiliate, CESifo Research Network, Munich, Germany
Research Fellow, Economic Research Forum, Cairo, Egypt
Resource Person (Project Evaluator), African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi, Kenya
Research Fellow, Navarra Center for International Development (NCID), University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
IMF Books and Working Papers:
The Globalization of Farmland: Theory and Empirical Evidence , Working Paper No. 18/145 , June 22, 2018
Shifting Commodity Markets in a Globalized World , December 01, 2017
From Global Savings Glut to Financing Infrastructure : The Advent of Investment Platforms , Working Paper No. 16/18 , February 09, 2016
News Shocks in Open Economies : Evidence from Giant Oil Discoveries , Working Paper No. 15/209 , September 29, 2015
Global Implications of Lower Oil Prices , Staff Discussion Notes. No. 15/15 , July 14, 2015
Testing the Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis since 1650 : Evidence from Panel Techniques that Allow for Multiple Breaks , Working Paper No. 13/180 , August 15, 2013
Commodity Price Volatility and Inclusive Growth in Low-Income Countries , October 24, 2012
Education Attainment in Public Administration Around the World : Evidence from a New Dataset , Working Paper No. 12/231 , September 21, 2012
Structural Reforms, IMF Programs and Capacity Building : An Empirical Investigation , Working Paper No. 12/232 , September 21, 2012
Resource Windfalls, Optimal Public Investment and Redistribution : The Role of Total Factor Productivity and Administrative Capacity , Working Paper No. 12/200 , August 01, 2012
Commodity Prices and Exchange Rate Volatility : Lessons from South Africa’s Capital Account Liberalization , Working Paper No. 12/168 , June 01, 2012
Natural Resources, Volatility, and Inclusive Growth : Perspectives From the Middle East and North Africa , Working Paper No. 12/111 , May 01, 2012
Beyond the Curse : Policies to Harness the Power of Natural Resources , January 19, 2012
The Relative Volatility of Commodity Prices : A Reappraisal , Working Paper No. 11/279 , December 01, 2011
Are there Spillover Effects From Munis? , Working Paper No. 11/290 , December 01, 2011
What Drives the Global Land Rush? , Working Paper No. 11/251 , November 01, 2011
Rainfall, Financial Development, and Remittances : Evidence From Sub-Saharan Africa , Working Paper No. 11/153 , July 01, 2011
Resource Windfalls, Macroeconomic Stability and Growth : The Role of Political Institutions , Working Paper No. 11/142 , June 01, 2011
Food Prices and Political Instability , Working Paper No. 11/62 , March 01, 2011
Sovereign Rating News and Financial Markets Spillovers : Evidence From the European Debt Crisis , Working Paper No. 11/68 , March 01, 2011
Commodity Windfalls, Polarization, and Net Foreign Assets: Panel Data Evidence on the Voracity Effect , Working Paper No. 10/209 , September 01, 2010
Resource Windfalls and Emerging Market Sovereign Bond Spreads: The Role of Political Institutions , Working Paper No. 10/179 , July 01, 2010
Boom-Bust Cycle, Asymmetrical Fiscal Response and the Dutch Disease , Working Paper No. 10/94 , April 01, 2010
Development Accounting and the Rise of TFP , Working Paper No. 10/101 , April 01, 2010
International Commodity Price Shocks, Democracy, and External Debt , Working Paper No. 10/53 , March 01, 2010
Oil Rents, Corruption, and State Stability: Evidence From Panel Data Regressions , Working Paper No. 09/267 , December 01, 2009
Tourism Specialization and Economic Development : Evidence from the UNESCO World Heritage List , Working Paper No. 09/176 , August 01, 2009
An Alternative Explanation for the Resource Curse: The Income Effect Channel , Working Paper No. 09/112 , May 01, 2009
Global Imbalances and Petrodollars , Working Paper No. 09/89 , April 01, 2009
Can the Natural Resource Curse Be Turned Into a Blessing? The Role of Trade Policies and Institutions , Working Paper No. 07/55 , March 01, 2007
The Composition of Capital Flows: Is South Africa Different? , Working Paper No. 05/40 , March 01, 2005
Publications in Journals (Refereed)
“News Shock and the Current Account: Evidence from Giant Oil Discoveries” joint with Valerie Ramey and Liugang Sheng, The Quarterly Journal of Economics (forthcoming).
“The Relative Volatility of Commodity Prices: A Reappraisal" joint Daniel Lederman and Hongyan Zhao, the American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
"Global Imbalances and Petrodollars" jointly with Fuad Hasanov, World Economy.
Arezki, Rabah & Olivier Blanchard, 2015. “7 Questions about the Oil Price Slump” Rivista Energia (in Italian).
Arezki, Rabah & Harris Selod and Klaus Deininger, 2015 “What Drives the Global Land Rush?”, World Bank Economic Review 29 (2): 207-233.
“Resource Rents, Corruption and Democracy: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Countries” joint with Thorvaldur Gylfason, Journal of African Economies.
“What Drives the Global Land Rush?” joint with Harris Selod and Klaus Deininger, the World Bank Economic Review
Arezki, Rabah & Thorsten Beck, Robert De Young, John V. Duca, Prakash Loungani and Anthony Murphy, 2015. “A Conference on Housing, Stability, and the Macroeconomy: International Perspectives” Journal of Money Credit and Banking.
“Financing Africa’s Infrastructure Deficit: From Development Banking to Long-Term Investing”, with Amadou Sy. Journal of African Economies (forthcoming)
“Breaking the Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis Using Panel Data Stationarity Test” joint with Kaddour Hadri, Eiji Kurozumi, and Yao Rao, Economics Letters
"Boom-Bust Cycle, Asymmetrical Fiscal Response and the Dutch Disease" joint with Kareem Ismail, Journal of Development Economics.
“Food Price Volatility and Consequences”, with Yaw Nyarko and Karim El Aynaoui. Introduction to the Special Issue entitled Food Price Volatility and Policy Challenges in Oxford Economic Papers, 2016.
“Commodity Price and Exchange Volatility: Lessons from South Africa’s Capital Account Liberalization” with Elena Dumitrescu, Marc Quintyn and Andreas Freytag forthcoming in Emerging Markets Review.
“Commodity Price Shocks, Democracy and External Debt” joint with Markus Bruckner, The Economic Journal.
“Oil Rents, Corruption and State Stability: Evidence from Panel Data Regressions”, joint with Markus Bruckner, European Economic Review.
“Testing the Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis since 1650: Evidence from Panel Techniques that Allow for Multiple Breaks” joint with Kaddour Hadri and Prakash Loungani published in the Journal of International Money and Finance.
“Understanding International Commodity Price Fluctuations” joint with Prakash Loungani, Rick van der Ploeg, and Tony Venables published in the Journal of International Money and Finance.
“Commodity Windfalls, Polarization and Net Foreign Asset: Panel Data Evidence of the Voracity Effect” joint with Markus Bruckner, Journal of International Economics.
“Rainfall, Financial Development, and Remittances: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa” joint with Markus Bruckner, Journal of International Economics.
“Food Prices and Political Instability” joint with Markus Bruckner, published in World Development
“Resource Windfalls and Emerging Market Sovereign Bond Spreads: The Role of Political Institutions” joint with Markus Bruckner, World Bank Economic Review.
“Do Natural Resources Depress Income Per Capita?” joint with Rick van der Ploeg, Review of Development Economics, 2011.
“An Alternative Explanation for the Resource Curse: The Income Effect Channel, joint with Ali Alichi, Applied Economics.
“Demography, Credit and Institutions: A Global Perspective” Emerging Markets Review, 2011.
“La Course aux Terres: Quelques Eclairages Empiriques”, joint with Klaus Deininger and Harris Selod, Economie et Statistique
“Trade Policies, Institutions and the Natural Resource Curse”, joint with Rick van der Ploeg, Applied Economics Letters, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 17(15), pages 1443-1451.
“The Composition of Capital Flows: Is South Africa Different?” with Norbert Funke and Faisal Ahmed, Journal of International Development, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 19(2), pages 275-294.
“Vieillissement démographique et transferts internationaux d’épargne: premiers enseignements du modèle INGENUE”, in collaboration with INGENUE team (Michel Juilliard, Bronka Rzekowpski and al.), special issue of Revue d’Economie Politique, pp. 195 -214, February 2001.
Publications in Books and Conference Volumes
"Introduction" joint with Marc Quintyn, Cathy Pattillo and Min Zhu forthcoming in Commodity Price Volatility and Inclusive Growth in Low-Income Countries eds. Rabah Arezki, Marc Quintyn and Catherine Pattillo, foreword by Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund, forthcoming July 2012.
"Capital Flight Risk" joint with Gregoire Rota-Graziosi and Lemma Senbet forthcoming in Finance and Development, September 2013.
“Global Imbalances: Petrodollars in the Lead”, joint with Fuad Hasanov, World Economics
Degrees of Development joint with Marc Quintyn in Finance and Development, March 2013
"Spend or Send" joint with Arnaud Dupuy and Alan Gelb in Finance and Development, December 2012.
"The Global Land Rush" joint with Klaus Deininger and Harris Selod, in Finance and Development, March 2012.
“Less Volatile than Meets the Eye” joint with Daniel Lederman and Hongyan Zhao, in Finance and Development, December 2011.
“Municipal Fallout” joint with Bertrand Candelon and Amadou Sy in Finance and Development, September 2011.
“Bad News Spreads” joint with Bertrand Candelon and Amadou Sy in Finance and Development, December 2010.
“Debt and Democracy” joint with Markus Bruckner in Finance and Development, June 2010.
“Natural Resources, Volatility and Economic Growth: Perspectives from the Middle East and North Africa” joint with Governor Mustapha Nabli forthcoming in Commodity Price Volatility and Inclusive Growth in Low-Income Countries eds. Rabah Arezki, Marc Quintyn and Catherine Pattillo, foreword by Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund, forthcoming July 2012.
“UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Tourism and Economic Growth” joint with Reda Cherif and John Piotrowski in The Economics of Uniqueness: Historic Cities and Cultural Heritage Assets as Public Goods edited by the World Bank, forthcoming 2012.
“Commodity Price Volatility, Democracy and Economic Growth” joint with Thorvaldur Gylfason, in Frontiers of Economic Growth and Development, ed. Olivier de La Grandville, foreword by Kenneth Arrow and Robert Solow, Emerald, 2011.
“Fiscal Policy in Commodity Exporting Countries: Stability and Growth” in Natural Resources, Finance and Development, eds. Rabah Arezki, Thorvaldur Gylfason and Amadou Sy, foreword by Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund, forthcoming, 2011.
“A Long-Term Model for the World Economy,” in collaboration with INGENUE team. Published in “Market Imperfections and Macroeconomic Dynamics”, J.O. Hairault et H. Kempf (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, chap.3, pp. 51-73, 2002.
“Economie et Démographie Mondiales au XXI° siècle: le Nombre et le Savoir”, in collaboration with INGENUE team, in L’année de la régulation: économie et démographie, La Découverte, Paris, 2000.