World Economic and Financial Surveys

World Economic Outlook and International Capital Markets Interim Assessment, 1998

January 29, 1999

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World Economic Outlook and International Capital Markets Interim Assessment, 1998, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 1999) accessed December 22, 2024


This interim update of the IMF's latest regular reports on the World Economic Outlook (published in October 1998) and International Capital Markets (September 1998) provides a preliminary assessment of the unusual turbulence in international financial markets during much of the period August-November 1998, and its implications for the global economic outlook and for policy. The survey of prospects and policies is the product of a comprehensive interdepartmental review of world economic developments, which draws primarily on information the IMF gathers through its consultations with member countries. For its eveluation of developments in financial markets, the report also draws, in part, on informal discussions with commercial and investment banks, securities firms, stock and futures exchanges, and regulatory and monetary authorities.

Subject: Credit risk, Emerging and frontier financial markets, Exports, Financial institutions, Financial markets, Financial regulation and supervision, Hedge funds, Market risk, Stock markets

Keywords: Asia and Pacific, Credit risk, Current account, Emerging and frontier financial markets, Emerging market, Europe, Exchange market pressure, Flight to quality, Global, Hedge funds, Interest rate, Market, Market liquidity, Market participant, Market risk, Middle East, Stock markets, U.S. dollar, WEFS, Western Hemisphere

Publication Details

  • Pages:


  • Volume:


  • DOI:


  • Issue:


  • Series:

    World Economic and Financial Surveys No. 1998/015

  • Stock No:


  • ISBN:


  • ISSN:



This title ceased publication in August 2001. Both the Report and the Emerging Market Financing quarterly (published 2000-2001) have been replaced by a new quarterly, The Global Financial Stability Report. The new report was created to provide timely and comprehensive coverage of both mature and emerging financial markets as part of the IMF's stepped up tracking of financial markets.