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Use of Fund Resources
Access Policy

The Chair’s Summing Up Temporary Modifications to the Fund’s Annual and Cumulative Access Limits, Executive Board Meeting 23/16, March 6, 2023

Executive Directors welcomed the proposal to raise, on a temporary basis for 12 months, the annual and cumulative limits on overall access to Fund resources in the General Resources Account (GRA). Directors noted the challenging economic environment and uncertain prospects faced by emerging markets and developing economies and recognized that in this context Fund members are likely to have an increased need to access Fund resources to support their pressing financing needs and adjustment efforts.

Against this background, Directors supported a temporary increase in the annual access limit in the GRA from 145 percent of a member’s quota to 200 percent of quota and an increase in the cumulative access limit from 435 percent of quota to 600 percent of quota for the next 12 months. They agreed that an extension of the temporary increase could be appropriate, if circumstances warrant, which should be considered before the expiration of the 12-month period. Many Directors called for staff to engage early with the Executive Board on this issue. Directors noted that the impact of the proposed increases in the access limits on the Fund’s liquidity and on the demand for Fund resources even under extreme scenarios is expected to be limited, though subject to uncertainty.

Directors agreed with the proposed limited grandfathering following the expiration of the period of temporarily higher access limits. They noted and supported the automatic adjustment of thresholds for the combined access to GRA and PRGT resources under the policy on safeguards for high combined GRA and PRGT exposure with any changes to the overall GRA access limits, and also supported the proposed limited grandfathering in the application of this policy.

Directors emphasized the importance of the alignment of PRGT access limits with those of the GRA that was achieved in 2021. While access limits under the PRGT would be part of the expected comprehensive review of concessional facilities in 2024/25, Directors also agreed that, once substantial progress with PRGT fundraising toward the SDR 2.3 billion first stage target for subsidy resources agreed in 2021 has been made—with total pledges of SDR 2 billion or more—access limits under the PRGT would be reviewed at an ad hoc interim review. In this context, it was recognized that efforts to fill the resource gap should be expedited, and most Directors called on members in a strong economic position to accelerate their support for PRGT fundraising efforts. Many Directors also called for an early examination of the possible use of the Fund’s internal resources.

Directors underscored that access limits are key elements of the Fund’s risk management framework, providing an important safeguard to Fund resources, preserving their revolving nature, and supporting the catalytic role of Fund financing. They stressed the importance of diligent application of standard (non-exceptional access) policy criteria for determining access to Fund resources on a case-by-case basis. They also emphasized the importance of enhanced scrutiny and additional safeguards for exceptional access cases. Although the increased access limits heighten risks to the Fund, Directors considered that these risks are expected to be manageable. They agreed that an interim review of the adequacy of the precautionary balances could also serve as risk mitigation.

Directors agreed that a comprehensive review of access limits, tentatively planned for 2024, will assess the GRA access limits in the context of the outcome of the 16th General Review of Quotas.


March 9, 2023

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