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Executive Directors

Executive Board Meetings—Procedural Guidelines, Executive Board Meeting 75/12, February 7, 1975

The Executive Directors considered a paper describing the procedures for the adoption of decisions at meetings of the Executive Board (SM/75/13, 1/10/75).

The Executive Directors endorsed the guidelines as amended during the debate, agreeing that they would be available for the possible use of the Chairman and the Executive Directors on those rare occasions on which it became necessary to invoke an understanding about procedure.


Procedural Guidelines for the Executive Directors

  • 1. Any question of procedure that arises shall be decided before the discussion of substantive matters is resumed.

  • 2. If there is more than one proposal on any subject under consideration, the proposals shall be considered one at a time and in the order in which they were submitted. If two or more proposals are submitted together, they shall be considered simultaneously and shall be decided upon in the order in which they have been presented.

  • 3. An amendment is germane to the subject of a proposal and adds to, deletes from, or revises that proposal. The Chairman shall rule on the question whether a motion is a new proposal or a proposed amendment.

  • 4. If an amendment to any proposal or previously proposed amendment is offered, consideration of the amendment shall be completed before consideration is resumed of the proposal or previously proposed amendment to which it relates. If more than one amendment is proposed, the amendments shall be considered in the reverse order of their submission.

  • 5. The Chairman may rule that parts of a proposal or proposed amendment shall be considered or decided upon separately. If the parts are severed, they shall be taken up in the order in which they appeared in the proposal or proposed amendment.

  • 6. If a proposal or proposed amendment is adopted, any inconsistent proposals or proposed amendments shall not be considered.

  • 7. The Chairman shall rule on questions of procedure, including questions of the application, of these guidelines.

  • 8. The Executive Directors may revise rulings made under these guidelines and may depart from or amend these guidelines at any time.

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