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Use of Fund Resources
Arrears to Creditors and Debt Strategy

Summing Up by the Chairman— Fund Involvement in the Debt Strategy, Executive Board Meeting 89/61, May 23, 1989

In discussing financing assurances, Executive Directors reaffirmed the basic objectives of the Fund’s policy--ensuring that the program is fully financed; that the financing is consistent with a return to viability and with the ability of the member to repay the Fund; that there is fair burden sharing; and that the program, if appropriately implemented and supported, would contribute to the maintenance or reestablishment of orderly relations between the member and its creditors.

Nevertheless, Directors agreed that there is a need for cautious adaptation of the Fund’s policy in light of the changed financial environment and the possibility that in some cases significant time may be needed for banks and the member to agree on an appropriate financing package. In such circumstances, the Fund would on a case-by-case basis approve an arrangement outright before the conclusion of such negotiations, provided that prompt Fund support is judged essential for program implementation, that negotiations between the member and its bank creditors have begun, and that it can be expected that a financing package consistent with external viability will be agreed within a reasonable period of time. Management would continue to consult with Executive Directors at an early stage in such cases. Progress in the negotiations with bank creditors would be closely monitored, and any unforeseen development brought to the Board’s attention. When circumstances warrant, the practice of seeking a critical mass, as well as the possibility of approving an arrangement in principle, would remain valid.

Directors stressed that in promoting orderly financial relations, every effort must be made to avoid arrears, which could not be condoned or anticipated by the Fund in the design of programs. Nevertheless, an accumulation of arrears to banks may have to be tolerated where negotiations continue and the country’s financing situation does not allow them to be avoided. Directors emphasized that appropriate safeguards would need to be incorporated into the monitoring procedures of the Fund arrangement. The Fund’s policy of nontoleration of arrears to official creditors remains unchanged. The debtor member would be expected to continue to treat creditors on a nondiscriminatory basis. Directors agreed that while negotiations with bank creditors were continuing, the situation would need to be monitored closely. Performance criteria would be quarterly. A review of progress in the negotiations would be scheduled at an appropriate time and, normally, before the second disbursement.

BUFF 89/89

May 23. 1989

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