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Other remedial measures

Summing Up by the Acting Chairman— Overdue Financial Obligations to the Fund—Six-Monthly Review; Further Progress Under the Strengthened Cooperative Strategy, Executive Board Meeting 92/58, April 17, 1992

Directors considered that the strengthened timetable of procedures for applying remedial measures remained appropriate and had been implemented in accordance with the Executive Board’s judgment regarding the degree of a member’s cooperation with the Fund in terms of implementation of policies and record of payments as well as the timing and actions appropriate to the particular circumstances of each member.

Directors considered the questions of the criteria and timing for reversing the actions specified in the strengthened timetable of procedures. They noted that for some actions the issue of reversibility did not arise, while other actions were automatically terminated or withdrawn upon full settlement of overdue obligations to the Fund. Directors broadly endorsed the established practices of terminating a declaration of ineligibility immediately following full settlement of arrears to the Fund and publicizing the restoration of eligibility by issuing a press release and sending communications to all Fund Governors.

With respect to the lifting of a declaration of noncooperation, it was generally agreed that the same criteria were relevant in coming to a judgment on the degree of a member’s cooperation as were applied in deciding whether to issue such a declaration. A member’s cooperation would be reviewed on the occasion of the periodic reviews of the member’s arrears. Directors felt that the timing of consideration of the withdrawal of a declaration depended on the implementation of the necessary adjustment policies and the member’s payments record to the Fund; it would not be feasible to specify in advance a timetable for consideration of the lifting of a declaration of noncooperation. Directors agreed that, as in the case of the issuance of a declaration of noncooperation, the withdrawal of a declaration of noncooperation should be publicized by issuing a press release.

As regards the rights approach, the Executive Board decided on a one-year extension of the deadline established last year for eligible members so as to provide time for them to adopt a comprehensive economic program that could be endorsed by the Executive Board as a rights accumulation program.


April 21, 1989

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