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Special Drawing Rights: Other Holders

Special Drawing Rights: Other Holders

The terms and conditions on which other holders prescribed by the Fund may accept, hold or use SDRs are as follows:

  • 1. Acceptance, Holding, and Use by Prescribed Holders

  • (a) Acceptance and use

    A prescribed holder may accept or use special drawing rights (i)in exchange for an equivalent amount of a monetary asset other than gold in a transaction entered into by agreement with a participant, or another prescribed holder, or (ii) in an operation entered into by agreement with a participant or another prescribed holder in accordance with and on the same terms and conditions established at that time for participants by decisions of the .Fund under Article XIX, Section 2(c).

    (b) Holding

    A prescribed holder may hold special drawing rights, subject to the provisions of this decision, accepted in accordance with (a) above or received as interest paid on its holdings of special drawing rights in accordance with Article XX, Section 1.

  • 2. Acceptance and Use by Participants in Transactions and Operations with Prescribed Holders

  • Participants may enter into transactions and operations by agreement with a prescribed holder in accordance with the prescriptions in paragraph 1(a) of this decision.

  • 3. Application of General Provisions

  • The holding of special drawing rights and the acceptance and use of them in transactions and operations by a prescribed holder shall be governed by the provisions of the Articles, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, and decisions of the Fund that apply from time to time to all holders of special drawing rights.

  • 4. Exchange Rates

  • The Rules and Regulations and decisions of the Fund that determine the exchange rates applicable at the time of each use or acceptance of special drawing rights by a participant shall apply to each use or acceptance of them by a prescribed holder. A prescribed holder shall not levy any charge or commission in respect of a transaction involving special drawing rights.

  • 5. Information and Recording

  • The Fund shall inform prescribed holders of matters relevant to the acceptance, holding, and use of special drawing rights by them. A prescribed holder shall inform the Fund promptly of the facts necessary to record any transactions or operations in which a prescribed holder accepts or uses special drawing rights.

  • 6. Consultation and Review

    • (a) Consultation between the Fund and a prescribed holder shall be held at the request of the Fund or the prescribed holder with respect to the application of this decision or the decision prescribing the holder or with respect to transactions or operations entered into involving special drawing rights.

    • (b) The Executive Board shall review periodically this decision and decisions prescribing holders.

  • 7. General Undertaking

  • Each prescribed holder shall collaborate with the Fund, participants, and other prescribed holders with respect to its acceptance, holding, and use of special drawing rights in order to facilitate the effective functioning of the Special Drawing Rights Department and the proper use of special drawing rights in accordance with the Articles and the terms and conditions prescribed by the Fund now or in the future for the acceptance, holding, and use of special drawing rights by prescribed holders.

  • 8. Suspension

  • During any period in which a suspension is in effect under Article XXIII, Section 1 with respect to participants, the suspension shall apply to the same extent to prescribed holders.

  • 9. Termination

    • (a) The prescription of a holder of special drawing rights may be terminated by the Fund by a decision of the Executive Board or by a notice from the prescribed holder in writing to the Fund at its principal office. Termination shall become effective on the date specified in the decision of the Executive Board but not earlier than the date of the decision, or when notice from the prescribed holder is received by the Fund at its principal office.

    • (b) A prescribed holder whose status as such has been terminated may continue to hold the special drawing rights it held on termination and to receive special drawing rights as interest on its holdings and may continue to use special drawing rights to dispose of them in transactions or operations in accordance with paragraph 1(a) above. A prescribed holder whose status has been terminated shall make arrangements, with the concurrence of the Fund, to dispose of its holdings of special drawing rights as expeditiously as possible, and shall exchange special drawing rights for a freely usable currency selected by the prescribed holder when requested by the Fund.

Decision No. 6467-(80/71) S,

April 14, 1980

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