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Technical and Financial Services
Financial Services
Heavily Indebted Poor Countries

Trust for Special ESAF Operations for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ESAF Subsidy Operations—Terms and Conditions for Administration of Account Provided Under Section III, Paragraph 5 (b) of Trust

Pursuant to Section III, Paragraph 5(b) of the Instrument to Establish a Trust for Special ESAF Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ESAF Subsidy (ESAF-HIPC Trust), the Fund, as Trustee of the ESAF-HIPC Trust, establishes the following terms and conditions for the administration of the Account provided for under that provision:

  • 1. The resources of the Account shall consist of (i) the proceeds of grants and/or loans paid into the Account for the benefit of a member by the ESAF-HIPC Trust, and (ii) contributions by other donors to the reduction of a member’s debt service payments on its existing debt to the Fund, and (iii) net earnings from the investment of resources held in the Account.

  • 2. Within the Account, the Trustee shall establish a separate sub-account for the administration of the resources paid into the Account for the benefit of each member for which the resources have been paid. The Trustee shall establish a sub-account within the Account whenever the Fund as Trustee of the ESAF-HIPC Trust grants final approval of a Trust grant and/or Trust loan under the ESAF-HIPC Trust.

  • 3. Following the establishment of a sub-account, the Fund, as Trustee, shall be authorized to use the resources of the sub-account (including any net income from the investment of such resources) to repay the member’s existing debt to the Fund, in accordance with the Schedule for using the proceeds of grants and loans as determined under the provisions of Section III, Paragraphs 4(a) and 4(b) of the Instrument to Establish th PRGF-HIPC Trust. The Trustee shall also be authorized to retransfer back to the Trust an amount equivalent to (i) resources disbursed from the Trust into a sub-account in excess of the amount needed to meet the Fund’s share of debt reduction in accordance with Section III, paragraph 3(b) of the Instrument to Establish the PRGF-HIPC Trust, or (ii) resources disbursed as interim assistance from the Trust into a sub-account on the incorrect understanding that all performance-related conditions specified for such disbursement were met, in accordance with Section III, paragraph 3(d) of the Instrument to Establish the PRGF-HIPC Trust.

  • 4. (a) Resources held in a sub-account of the Account and not immediately needed for operations shall be invested.

    • (b) Investments may be made in any of the following: (i) marketable obligations issued by international financial organizations and denominated in SDRs or in the currency of a member of the Fund; (ii) marketable obligations issued by a member or by a national official financial institution of a member and denominated in SDRs or in the currency of that member; and (iii) deposits with a commercial bank, a national official financial institution of a member, or an international financial institution that are denominated in SDRs or in the currency of a member. Investment which does not involve an exchange of currency shall be made only after consultation with the member whose currency is to be used, or, when an exchange of currency is involved, with the consent of the issuers of such currencies. Earnings, net of any transactions costs, shall accrue to the sub-account and shall be available for the purposes of the sub-account.

    • (c) The Managing Director of the Trustee is authorized (i) to make all arrangements, including establishment of accounts in the name of the Trustee, with such depositories as may be necessary to carry out the operations of the Account, and (ii) to take all measures necessary to implement the provisions of this decision.

  • 5. The SDR shall be the unit of account.

  • 6.(a) Resources received into a sub-account may be in U.S. dollars or such other media as may be determined by the Trustee.

    • (b) Resources held in a sub-account may be currencies or currencies exchanged for SDRs in accordance with such arrangements as may be made by the Trustee for the holding and use of SDRs.

    • (c) The Trustee may exchange any of the resources held in a sub-account provided that any balance of a currency held in the sub-account may be exchanged only with the consent of the issuer of such currency.

    • (d) Payments made from a sub-account shall be made in U.S. dollars or such other media as may be determined by the Trustee.

  • 7. Assets held in the Account shall be kept separate from the assets and property of all other accounts of, or administered by, the Trustee. The assets of the Account shall not be used to discharge or meet any liabilities, obligations, or losses incurred by the Trustee in the administration of such other accounts. The assets and property held in a sub-account of the Account shall not be used to discharge or meet any liabilities, obligations, or losses of the Trustee in the administration of any other sub-account of the Account.

  • 8. Subject to the provisions of this decision, the Trustee, in administering the Account, shall apply, mutatis mutandis, the same rules and procedures as apply to the operations of the General Resources Account of the Fund.

  • 9. No charge shall be levied for the services rendered by the Trustee in the administration, operation, and termination of the Account.

  • 10.(a) The Trustee shall maintain separate financial records and prepare separate financial statements for the Account. Such records and statements will be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The financial statements for the Account shall be expressed in SDRs.

    • (b) The External Audit Committee selected under Section 20 of the Trustee’s By-Laws shall audit the operations and transactions conducted through the Account. The audit shall relate to the financial year of the Trustee.

    • (c) The Trustee shall report on the resources and operations of the Account in the Annual Report of the Executive Board to the Board of Governors and shall include in that Annual Report the report of the External Audit Committee on the Account.

  • 11.(a) The Account shall remain in effect for as long as is necessary, in the judgment of the Trustee, to conduct and to wind up the business of the Account. A sub-account for a particular member would be wound up when the resources of that sub-account have been exhausted in servicing the member’s obligations to the Fund.

    • (b) Any balance remaining in a sub-account upon termination and after the discharge of all obligations of that sub-account shall be transferred promptly to the member for which the sub-account had been established.

Decision No. 11698-(98/38) ESAF,

April 1, 1998,

as amended by Decision Nos. 12697-(02/27) ESAF, March 15, 2002

and 13589-(05/99) MDRI, November 23, 2005,

effective January 5, 2006

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