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Special Drawing Rights: Other Holders

Use of SDRs in Financial Operations Under the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Trust or Under an Administered Account

In accordance with Article XVII, Section 3, the Fund prescribes that:

  • 1. A participant or prescribed holder, by agreement with a prescribed holder and at the instruction of the Fund, may transfer SDRs to that prescribed holder in effecting a payment due to the Fund in connection with financial operations under the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Trust or under an administered account established for the benefit of the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Trust.

  • 2. A prescribed holder, by agreement with a participant or another prescribed holder and at the instruction of the Fund, may transfer SDRs to that participant or other prescribed holder in effecting a payment due from the Fund in connection with financial operations under the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Trust or under an administered account established for the benefit of the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Trust.

  • 3. The Fund shall record operations pursuant to these prescriptions in accordance with Rule P-9. (EBS/88/150, 7/27/88)

Decision No. 8937-(88/118) ESAF/S,

July 28, 1988

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