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Investment by the Fund of the Currencies Held in the Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts

  • 1. The Managing Director is authorized to invest currencies held in the Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts in one or more of the following ways: (a) deposits with a national official financial institution of a member, or an international financial institution, that are denominated in special drawing rights; (b) marketable obligations issued by a member or by a national official institution of a member and denominated in special drawing rights; and (c) marketable obligations issued by an international financial institution and denominated in special drawing rights.

  • 2. The policy on the investment of the undisbursed amounts held in the Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts shall take into account the operational needs of the General Resources Account, including the dates on which members are expected to make purchases from the Fund under its Policy on Enlarged Access.

  • 3. (a) The Managing Director, when making arrangements for the placement of investments in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 above, shall consider the terms offered by a national official financial institution of the member issuing the currency borrowed, or to which the borrowed funds may be transferred, that will accept investments denominated in special drawing rights, and the terms offered by the Bank for International Settlements, for all or part of the intended investment in SDR-denominated deposits.

    • (b) In the event the Managing Director considers that none of the offers made by the central banks and by the BIS is sufficiently attractive, he shall inform the Executive Board promptly and make other proposals to it for investment in SDR-denominated obligations.

  • 4. The Managing Director is authorized to transfer borrowed funds at the time of the original receipt from the Borrowed Resources Suspense Account in the depository designated by the member whose currency was borrowed to the Borrowed Resources Suspense Account in the depository designated by the member whose currency is to be used in an investment when this transfer is necessary to effect an investment denominated in special drawing rights, and when this transfer has been concurred in by the two members whose currencies will be involved.

Decision No. 6845-(81/75),

May 5, 1981

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