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Establishment of the Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts

  • 1. The Managing Director is authorized (i) to establish Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts within the General Department, (ii) to transfer to these Accounts balances of currencies borrowed before these can be used in transactions or received in repurchases made before repayment can be made, and (iii) to invest these balances until they can be transferred to the General Resources Account for immediate use in a transaction or an operation.

  • 2. A Borrowed Resources Suspense Account for each currency shall be opened, as needed, with the depository designated pursuant to Article XIII, Section 2, by a member whose currency is to be borrowed, used for investment, or used in repayment or the payment of interest and shall be operated in accordance with the standard procedures for the operation of the Fund’s No. 1 and Securities Accounts with the depository.

Decision No. 6844-(81/75),

May 5, 1981

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