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Special Drawing Rights: Other Holders

Andean Reserve Fund—Holder of SDRs

  • 1. Prescription as a Holder

    The Andean Reserve Fund is prescribed, in accordance with Article XVII, Section 3(i) of the Articles of Agreement, as a holder of special drawing rights.

  • 2. Terms and Conditions for Acceptance, Holding, and Use of Special Drawing Rights

The Andean Reserve Fund is authorized to accept, hold, and use special drawing rights in transactions and operations in accordance with and on the terms and conditions specified in the decision “Terms and Conditions for the Acceptance, Holding, and Use of Special Drawing Rights by Other Holders Prescribed under Article XVII, Section 3,” Decision No. 6467-(80/71) S, adopted April 14, 1980. (EBS/80/86, 4/15/80)

Decision No. 6486-(80/77) S,2

April 18, 1980

2 Ed. Note: Similar decisions were taken for the following entities as holders of SDRs: East Caribbean Currency Authority—Decision No. 6487-(80/77) S, April 18, 1980; Nordic Investment Bank—Decision No. 6488-(80/77) S, April 18, 1980; International Fund for Agricultural Development—Decision No. 6489-(80/77) S, April 18, 1980; Arab Monetary Fund—Decision No. 6609-(80/126) S, August 8, 1980, effective August 26, 1980; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA)—Decision No. 6718-(81/1) S, December 23, 1980; Central Bank of West African States—Decision No. 6908-(81/101) S, June 29, 1981; Bank of Central African States—Decision No. 7064-(82/26) S, February 26, 1982; Islamic Development Bank—Decision No. 7086-(82/42) S, April 5, 1982; Asian Development Bank—Decision No. 7229-(82/136) S, October 15, 1982; East African Development Bank—Decision No. 7582-(83/174) S, December 15, 1983; Eastern Caribbean Central Bank—Decision No. 7707-(84/79) S, May 17, 1984; African Development Bank and the African Development Fund—Decision No. 8318-(86/104) S, June 25, 1986; and European Central Bank—Decision No. 12329-00/113), November 15, 2000.

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