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Transformation of the Interim Committee of the Board of Governors on the International Monetary System into the International Monetary and Financial Committee of the Board of Governors

Whereas the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund recognizes the need, pending the possible establishment of the Council, to strengthen and transform the Interim Committee of the Board of Governors on the International Monetary System established by Resolution No. 29-8, and

Whereas this strengthening and transformation should be reflected in the name of the Committee and its terms of reference to further its role as an advisory committee of the Board of Governors;

Now, therefore, the Board of Governors hereby RESOLVES as follows:

  • 1. Composition of the International Monetary and Financial Committee

    • (a) The Interim Committee shall be transformed into the International Monetary and Financial Committee of the Board of Governors. The members of the Committee shall be governors of the Fund, ministers, or others of comparable rank. Each member of the Fund that appoints an executive director and each member or group of members of the Fund that elected an executive director on or after the date on which the last regular election took place shall appoint:

      • (i) one member of the Committee, and not more than

      • (ii) seven associates.

    • (b) Members of the Committee, associates, and executive directors or in their absence their alternates, shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Committee, unless the Committee decides to hold a more restricted session. Each member of the Fund that appoints an executive director and each group of members of the Fund referred to in (a) above may designate an alternate to participate in the place of the member of the Committee at any meeting when he is not present. Participation in respect of each item on the agenda of a meeting shall be limited to one person, who shall be a member of the Committee, an associate, or an executive director.

    • (c) The Committee shall select a Chairman, who shall serve for such period as the Committee determines.

    • (d) The Managing Director shall be entitled to participate in all meetings of the Committee, and may designate a representative to participate in his place at any meeting when he is not present. The Managing Director or his representative may be accompanied normally by not more than two members of the staff, unless the Committee decides to hold a restricted session.

    • (e) A member of the Fund whose voting rights are suspended pursuant to Article XXVI, Section 2(b) shall not appoint, or participate in the appointment of, a member of the Committee and his associates. When the voting rights of a member are suspended, the rules in Schedule L, paragraph 3(c) on the termination of office and replacement of executive directors shall apply to the member of the Committee and associates appointed by the member or in whose appointment the member has participated.

  • 2. Representation of Members Not Entitled to Appoint a Member of the Committee

    A member of the Fund not entitled to appoint a member of the Committee may send a representative to participate in any meeting of the Committee when a request made by, or a matter particularly affecting, that member is under consideration. The Committee shall determine, upon request by the member, whether a matter under consideration particularly affects the member.

  • 3. Terms of Reference

    The Committee shall advise and report to the Board of Governors with respect to the functions of the Board of Governors in:

    • (i) supervising the management and adaptation of the international monetary and financial system, including the continuing operation of the adjustment process, and in this connection reviewing developments in global liquidity and the transfer of real resources to developing countries;

    • (ii) considering proposals by the Executive Directors to amend the Articles of Agreement; and

    • (iii) dealing with sudden disturbances that might threaten the system.

    In addition, the Committee shall advise and report to the Board of Governors on any other matters on which the Board of Governors may seek the advice of the Committee.

    In performing its duties, the Committee shall take account of the work of other bodies having specialized responsibilities in related fields.

  • 4. Procedures

    • (a) The Committee shall meet ordinarily twice a year. The Chairman may call meetings after consulting the members of the Committee, and shall consult the members of the Committee on calling a meeting if so requested by any member of the Committee. Normally, the Chairman, in consultation with the members of the Committee, will call a preparatory meeting of their representatives (“Deputies”).

    • (b) A quorum for any meeting of the Committee shall be two thirds of the members of the Committee.

    • (c) Meetings of the Committee shall be held within the metropolitan area in which the Fund has its principal office, or at such other places as the Committee may provide or, in the absence of such provision, as the Chairman shall determine after consulting the members of the Committee.

    • (d) Appropriate arrangements shall be made for the effective coordination of the work of the Committee and of the Executive Directors. The Secretary of the Fund shall serve as the Secretary of the Committee.

    • (e) In reporting any recommendations or views of the Committee, the Chairman shall seek to establish a sense of the meeting. In the event of a failure to reach a unanimous view, all views shall be reported, and the members holding such views shall be identified. Reports of the Committee shall be made available to the Executive Directors.

    • (f) The Committee may invite observers to attend during the discussion of an item on the agenda of a meeting, and may determine any aspect of its procedure that is not established by this Resolution.

  • 5. Termination of Resolution of 29-8

    Resolution No. 29-8, adopted October 2, 1974 is hereby repealed.

Resolution No. 54-9,

September 30, 1999

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