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Payments Policies

Consultations on Members’ Policies in Present Circumstances

  • 1. The Committee on Reform of the International Monetary System and Related Issues on January 18, 1974 reviewed important recent developments and agreed that, in the present difficult circumstances, all members, in managing their international payments, must avoid the adoption of policies which would merely aggravate the problems of other members. Accordingly, the Committee stressed the importance of avoiding competitive depreciation and the escalation of restrictions on trade and payments; and emphasized the importance of pursuing policies that would sustain appropriate levels of economic activity and employment, while minimizing inflation. It was also recognized that recent developments would create serious payments difficulties for many developing countries. The Committee agreed that there should be the closest international cooperation and consultation in pursuit of these objectives.

  • 2. The Executive Directors call on all members to collaborate with the Fund in accordance with Article IV, Section 4(a),1 with a view to attaining these objectives. The consultations of the Fund on the policies that members are following in present circumstances will be conducted with a view to the attainment of these objectives.

Decision No. 4134-(74/4),

January 23, 1974

1 Ed. Note: Refers to the Articles of Agreement in effect before the Second Amendment.

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