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Relations with Other International Organizations

IMF Membership in the Financial Stability Board

1. The Fund’s acceptance of membership in the Financial Stability Board (the “Association”) is approved.

2. In approving the Fund’s acceptance of membership in the Association, it is understood that (i) the Fund will participate in the Association in accordance with the Fund’s legal framework and policies, (ii) the Fund will reserve the right not to take part in, or be bound by, the decision making of the Association on policy-making and related activities where such participation would not be consistent with the Fund’s legal or policy framework, and (iii) if the Association reaches a decision on a policy-related matter, the Fund will only be prepared to support that decision to the extent that it is consistent with the Fund’s legal and policy framework. (SM/13/44, 02/22/13)

Decision No. 15333-(13/23),

March 15, 2013

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