IMF Publications by Subject
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Title: Identifying the Common Component in International Economic Fluctuations: A New Approach
Series: Working Paper No. 1999/154
Date: November 1, 1999
Subject: Business cycles Econometric analysis Economic growth Economic sectors Factor models Industrial production Industrial sector Production Production growth
Title: Guinea: Recent Economic Developments
Series: Country Report No. 1999/113
Date: October 20, 1999
Subject: Agroindustries Commodities Economic sectors Exports International trade Oil Oil production Oil, gas and mining taxes Production Taxes
Title: Sweden: Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 1999/115
Date: October 12, 1999
Subject: Expenditure Labor Output gap Pension spending Pensions Potential output Production Total factor productivity
Title: World Economic Outlook, October 1999: Safeguarding Macroeconomci Stability at Low Inflation
Series: World Economic Outlook No. 1999/002
Date: October 1, 1999
Subject: Asset prices Emerging and frontier financial markets Financial markets Inflation Potential output Prices Production Production growth
Title: The Domestic and Foreign Price Gaps in the P-STAR Model: Evidence from Spain
Series: Working Paper No. 1998/064
Date: October 1, 1999
Subject: Conventional peg Exchange rates Foreign exchange Inflation Output gap Potential output Prices Production
Title: Ireland: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
Series: Country Report No. 1999/108
Date: October 1, 1999
Subject: Expenditure Labor Pension spending Pensions Potential output Production Productivity Total factor productivity
Title: Modeling and Forecasting Inflation in India
Series: Working Paper No. 1999/119
Date: September 1, 1999
Subject: Consumer price indexes Inflation Monetary base Money Output gap Prices Production Wholesale price indexes
Title: Ireland: Staff Report for the 1999 Article IV Consultation
Series: Country Report No. 1999/087
Date: August 20, 1999
Notes: Included with the Staff Report is the text of Public Information Notice No. 99/79--IMF Concludes Article IV Consultation with Ireland.
Subject: Fiscal policy Fiscal stance Inflation Labor Prices Production Productivity Wage adjustments Wages
Title: Investment, Capital Accumulation, and Growth: Some Evidence from The Gambia 1964–98
Series: Working Paper No. 1999/117
Date: August 1, 1999
Subject: Capital accumulation Financial institutions Human capital Labor National accounts Private investment Production Stocks Total factor productivity
Title: Analysis of the U.S. Business Cycle with a Vector-Markov-Switching Model
Series: Working Paper No. 1999/107
Date: August 1, 1999
Subject: Business cycles Cyclical indicators Economic growth External position Industrial production International investment position National accounts Personal income Production