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Asset and liability management:
Title: Considerations in the Choice of the Appropriate Discount Rate for Evaluating Sovereign Debt Restructurings
Series: Policy Discussion Paper No. 2005/009
Date: December 1, 2005
Subject: Asset and liability management Debt restructuring Debt service Debt sustainability Discount rates External debt Financial services Yield curve
Title: Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook, 2005
Series: Balance of Payments Statistics No. 2005/001
Date: December 1, 2005
Subject: Asset and liability management Economic and financial statistics
Title: Cameroon: Review of the Staff-Monitored Program and Request for a Three-Year Arrangement under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, and for Additional Interim Assistance under the Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative
Series: Country Report No. 2005/413
Date: November 18, 2005
Subject: Asset and liability management Debt relief Expenditure Oil prices Oil, gas and mining taxes Poverty Poverty reduction strategy Prices Taxes
Title: Summary Proceedings of the Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Boards of Governors, 2005
Series: 59th Annual Meeting, 2005
Date: November 7, 2005
Notes: See Also: Statements made in the plenary sessions of the 2005 Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors.
Subject: Asset and liability management Banking Debt Relief Labor Oil prices Poverty Poverty Reduction Poverty reduction and development Poverty reduction strategy
Title: International Financial Institutions: Dealing with New Global Challenges
Series: per Jacobson lecture
Date: November 4, 2005
Subject: Asset and liability management Balance of payments Banking Capital account liberalization Emerging and frontier financial markets Financial crises Financial markets Lender of last resort Liquidity Public expenditure review
Title: Republic of Congo: Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative: Preliminary Document
Series: Country Report No. 2005/391
Date: November 2, 2005
Subject: Arrears Asset and liability management Debt relief Debt service Debt service ratios External debt
Title: IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics: Annual Report 2004
Series: Balance of Payments Statistics No. 2004/002
Date: November 2, 2005
Subject: Asset and liability management Economic and financial statistics
Title: Honduras: Enhanced Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Completion Point Document
Series: Country Report No. 2005/386
Date: October 31, 2005
Subject: Asset and liability management Basel Core Principles Debt relief Debt service External debt Financial institutions Financial regulation and supervision Stocks
Title: Democratic Republic of the Congo: Staff Report for the 2005 Article IV Consultation Fifth Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility Requests for Waiver of Performance Criteria Additional Interim Assistance Under the Enhanced Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Request for an Extension of Arrangement
Series: Country Report No. 2005/374
Date: October 20, 2005
Subject: Asset and liability management Expenditure External debt Fiscal policy Money
Title: Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2005
Series: Direction of Trade Statistics No. 2005/005
Date: October 19, 2005
Subject: Asset and liability management Economic and financial statistics