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Title: Ghana: Adjustment and Growth, 1983-91
Series: Occasional Paper No. 1991/001
Date: March 15, 1991
Subject: Exchange rate arrangements Exchange rates Expenditure Foreign exchange Inflation Prices Revenue administration
Title: Domestic Public Debt of Externally Indebted Countries
Series: Occasional Paper No. 1991/005
Date: March 15, 1991
Subject: Domestic debt External debt Financial services Inflation Prices Public debt Real interest rates
Title: $name
Series: Working Papers
Date: January 1, 0001
Subject: Exchange rate policy Inflation Italy
Title: Output Fluctuations and Monetary Shocks: Evidence From Colombia
Series: Working Paper No. 1991/035
Date: March 1, 1991
Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 38, No. 4, December 1991.
Subject: Exchange rates Foreign exchange Inflation Labor Monetary base Money Prices Real exchange rates Wages
Title: A Noteon Dual Foreign Exchange Markets with official Rationing: Predetermined Versus Floating official Exchange Rate
Series: Working Paper No. 1991/031
Date: March 1, 1991
Subject: Currency markets Exchange rates Imports Inflation Public sector
Title: Macroeconomic Implications of Real Exchange Rate Targeting in Developing Countries
Series: Working Paper No. 1991/029
Date: March 1, 1991
Notes: Analyzes the macroeconomic effects of a variety of exogenous and policy-induced real disturbances when the authorities target the level of the real exchange rate. Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 38, No. 4, December 1991.
Subject: Conventional peg Foreign exchange Inflation International trade Labor Prices Real exchange rates Real wages Terms of trade
Title: The Italian Lira in the Narrow Erm Band: The Challenge of Credibility
Series: Working Paper No. 1991/019
Date: February 1, 1991
Subject: Exchange rate policy Exchange rates Financial services Foreign exchange Inflation Prices Real exchange rates Real interest rates