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Title: Perspectives on the Role of a Central Bank

Author: Mancera, Miguel ; Volcker, A. Paul ; Godeaux, Jean

Series: Books

Date: June 15, 1991

Notes: Proceedings of the International Conference on Central Banking jointly sponsored by the People's Bank of China, the International Monetary Fund, and the United Nations Development Program. The conference was held in Beijing, China on January 15-17, 1990.

Subject: Banking Central banks Credit Monetary base Monetary policy Monetary policy instruments Money Open market operations Price stabilization Prices

Title: The Evolving Role of Central Banks

Series: Books

Date: June 15, 1991

Notes: Papers presented at the fifth seminar on central banking, Washington, D.C., November 5-15, 1990.

Subject: Bank credit Banking Commercial banks Credit Currencies Financial crises Financial institutions Financial markets Money Payment systems

Title: Yugoslav Inflation and Money

Author: Lahiri, Ashok

Series: Working Paper No. 1991/050

Date: May 1, 1991

Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 38, No. 4, December 1991.

Subject: Bank deposits Credit Demand for money Financial services Inflation Monetary base Money Prices

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