IMF Publications by Subject

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Page: 217 of 256 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221



Title: Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with Credit Goods Production

Author: Chan-Lau, A Jorge

Series: Working Paper No. 1998/153

Date: October 1, 1998

Subject: Consumption Credit Currencies Inflation Labor

Title: Canada: Selected Issues

Series: Country Report No. 1998/055

Date: August 5, 1998

Subject: Expenditure Health Health care Health care spending Inflation National accounts Prices Private savings

Title: Republic of Mozambique: Selected Issues

Series: Country Report No. 1998/059

Date: August 5, 1998

Subject: Current spending Expenditure Inflation Labor Prices Real wages Total expenditures


Title: $name

Author: Stephen Tokarick ; Michael P. Leidy

Series: Working Papers

Date: January 1, 0001

Subject: Inflation Wages


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