IMF Publications by Subject
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Title: Singapore: Staff Report for the 2005 Article IV Consultation
Series: Country Report No. 2006/150
Date: May 4, 2006
Subject: Balance of payments Budget planning and preparation Current account surpluses Exchange rate flexibility Exchange rates Fiscal policy Foreign exchange Inflation Prices Public financial management (PFM)
Title: New Zealand: Staff Report for the 2006 Article IV Consultation
Series: Country Report No. 2006/160
Date: May 4, 2006
Subject: Exchange rates External debt Fiscal policy Foreign exchange Housing prices Inflation Prices
Title: Republic of Lithuania: Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 2006/163
Date: May 4, 2006
Subject: Economic sectors Health Health care Inflation Informal economy Migration Population and demographics Prices
Title: IMF Survey, Volume 35, Issue 08
Series: IMF Survey No. 0035/008
Date: May 3, 2006
Notes: For current and previous issues: see IMF Survey Index
Subject: Balance of payments Current account balance Debt relief Emerging and frontier financial markets Financial markets Inflation National accounts Oil prices Personal income Prices
Title: Immiserizing Foreign Aid: The Roles of Tariffs and Nontraded Goods
Series: Working Paper No. 2006/129
Date: May 1, 2006
Subject: Factor models Imports Inflation Labor Tariffs
Title: Setting the Operational Framework for Producing Inflation Forecasts
Series: Working Paper No. 2006/122
Date: May 1, 2006
Subject: Banking Central bank policy rate Economic forecasting Inflation Inflation targeting
Title: Public Debt, Money Supply, and Inflation: A Cross-Country Study and Its Application to Jamaica
Series: Working Paper No. 2006/121
Date: May 1, 2006
Subject: Fiscal policy Government debt management Inflation Monetary base Public debt
Title: Reflections on Quantitative Fiscal Conditionality in African PRGF-Supported Programs
Series: Working Paper No. 2006/118
Date: May 1, 2006
Subject: External debt Fiscal conditionality Fiscal stance Inflation Public debt
Title: Fiscal Policy and Interest Rates: How Sustainable Is The “New Economy”?
Series: Working Paper No. 2006/112
Date: May 1, 2006
Subject: Fiscal policy Government debt management Inflation Long term interest rates Real interest rates
Title: A Framework for Independent Monetary Policy in China
Series: Working Paper No. 2006/111
Date: May 1, 2006
Subject: Banking Commercial banks Inflation Inflation targeting Monetary policy frameworks