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Exchange rates:


Title: Adopting Currency Convertibility: Experiences and Monetary Policy Considerations for Advanced Developing Countries

Author: Quirk, J. Peter

Series: Working Paper No. 1994/096

Date: August 1, 1994

Notes: Discusses respective roles of the international organizations, IMF, OECD, and the GATT, in assisting the capital liberalization process.

Subject: Balance of payments Capital controls Capital inflows Currencies Currency convertibility Domestic credit Exchange rates Foreign exchange Money

Title: Capital Account Convertibility: A New Model for Developing Countries

Author: Quirk, J. Peter

Series: Working Paper No. 1994/081

Date: July 1, 1994

Notes: Developing countries comprise Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guyana, Indonesia, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela.

Subject: Balance of payments Capital controls Capital inflows Exchange rate arrangements Exchange rates Exchange restrictions Foreign exchange

Title: The Main Determinants of Inflation in Nigeria

Author: Moser, G. Gary

Series: Working Paper No. 1994/076

Date: June 1, 1994

Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 42, No. 2, June 1995.

Subject: Consumer price indexes Exchange rates Foreign exchange Inflation Monetary base Money National accounts Personal income Prices

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