IMF Publications by Subject
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Balance of payments:
Title: Australia: Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 1999/001
Date: February 18, 1999
Subject: Balance of payments Current account Current account deficits Inflation Labor Prices Unemployment Unemployment rate
Title: Large Capital Flows: A Survey of the Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses
Series: Working Paper No. 1999/017
Date: February 1, 1999
Subject: Balance of payments Capital controls Capital flows Capital inflows Foreign exchange Private capital flows Real exchange rates
Title: Africa: Adjustment to the Challenges of Globalization
Series: Books
Date: January 11, 1999
Subject: Balance of payments Banking Commercial banks Expenditure Financial institutions Foreign direct investment International trade Labor Public employment Trade liberalization Trade policy
Title: China's Trade Flows: Changing Price Sensitivies and the Reform Process
Series: Working Paper No. 1999/001
Date: January 1, 1999
Subject: Balance of payments Exports Foreign direct investment Foreign exchange Imports International trade Real effective exchange rates
Title: Terms of Trade Shocks and the Current Account
Series: Working Paper No. 1998/177
Date: December 1, 1998
Subject: Balance of payments Consumption Current account Financial services International trade National accounts Private savings Real interest rates Terms of trade
Title: International Capital Flows and National Creditworthiness: Do the Fundamental Things Apply As Time Goes By?
Series: Working Paper No. 1998/172
Date: December 1, 1998
Subject: Balance of payments Consumption Consumption distribution Current account Current account deficits Current account imbalances National accounts
Title: Managing Capital Flows: Lessons From the Experience of Chile
Series: Working Paper No. 1998/168
Date: December 1, 1998
Subject: Balance of payments Capital controls Capital flows Capital inflows Exchange rates Foreign exchange Monetary policy Reserve requirements
Title: $name
Series: Working Papers
Date: January 1, 0001
Subject: Balance of payments Financial crisis
Title: Are Currency Crises Predictable? A Test
Series: Working Paper No. 1998/154
Date: November 1, 1998
Subject: Balance of payments Currency crises Current account Early warning systems Econometric analysis Financial crises Foreign exchange Probit models Real exchange rates
Title: Turkey: Recent Economic Developments and Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 1998/104
Date: October 28, 1998
Subject: Balance of payments Banking Current account Economic sectors Foreign exchange Inflation Monetary base Money Prices Public sector