IMF Publications by Subject
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Title: The Uruguay Round and Net Food Importers
Series: Working Paper No. 1995/143
Date: December 1, 1995
Subject: Agricultural commodities Commodities Food imports Food prices Imports International trade Prices Tariffs Taxes
Title: Japan: Background Papers
Series: Country Report No. 1995/116
Date: December 1, 1995
Notes: This background paper on Japan was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. As such, the views expressed in this document are those of the staff team and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Japan, or the Executive Board of the IMF. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material has been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Agricultural sector Commodities Economic sectors Income Labor National accounts Personal income
Title: Myanmar: Recent Economic Developments
Series: Country Report No. 1995/126
Date: December 1, 1995
Notes: This report on recent economic developments in Myanmar was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. As such, the views expressed in this document are those of the staff team and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Myanmar, or the Executive Board of the IMF.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Commodities Economic sectors Exports Foreign exchange Imports International trade Public sector
Title: Rwanda: Social and Economic Background Paper, and Statistical Appendix
Series: Country Report No. 1995/109
Date: December 1, 1995
Notes: This paper on social and economic developments and statistical appendix was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. As such, the views expressed in this document are those of the staff team and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Rwand, or the Executive Board of the IMF.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Commodities Exchange rates Exports Foreign exchange Imports International trade
Title: Cambodia: Statistical Tables
Series: Country Report No. 1995/108
Date: November 7, 1995
Notes: These statistical tables on Cambodia were prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Agroindustries Bank deposits Banking Commodities Currencies Economic sectors External position Financial services Foreign assets Money
Title: Russia: Statistical Appendix
Series: Country Report No. 1995/107
Date: November 7, 1995
Notes: This statistical appendix on the Russian Federation was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Banking Commercial banks Commodities Correspondent banking Credit Exports Financial institutions Financial services International trade Money Oil
Title: Flexible Estimation of Demand Schedules and Revenue Under Different Auction Formats
Series: Working Paper No. 1995/116
Date: November 1, 1995
Subject: Commodities Econometric analysis Estimation techniques Gold Gold prices Prices
Title: Vietnam: Statistical Tables
Series: Country Report No. 1995/093
Date: September 15, 1995
Notes: These statistical tables on Viet Nam were prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Agricultural sector Agroindustries Arrears Commodities Economic sectors External debt
Title: Indonesia: Recent Economic Developments
Series: Country Report No. 1995/083
Date: September 14, 1995
Notes: This report on recent economic developments in Indonesia was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Banking Commodities Economic sectors Exports External debt Imports International trade Oil Public enterprises
Title: Thailand: Statistical Appendix
Series: Country Report No. 1995/072
Date: September 14, 1995
Notes: This statistical appendix on Thailand was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.
Subject: Agricultural commodities Banking Capital spending Commercial banks Commodities Economic sectors Expenditure Financial institutions Public enterprises Public sector