IMF Publications by Subject
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Asset and liability management:
Title: Money Demand in the Netherlands
Series: Working Paper No. 1991/057
Date: June 1, 1991
Subject: Asset and liability management Demand for money Exchange rates Financial services Foreign exchange Liquidity indicators Liquidity management Money Short term interest rates Yield curve
Title: Financial innovation and Consumption in the United Kingdom
Series: Working Paper No. 1990/095
Date: October 1, 1990
Subject: Asset and liability management Consumption Disposable income Financial services Income Liquidity National accounts Real interest rates
Title: Multilateral Official Debt Rescheduling: Recent Experience, November 1990
Series: World Economic and Financial Surveys No. 1990/005
Date: September 15, 1990
Notes: By Michael G. Kuhn, with Jorge P. Guzman.
Subject: Arrears Asset and liability management Banking Commercial banks Debt reduction Debt rescheduling Debt service Debt service payments External debt Financial institutions
Title: Analytical Issues in Debt
Series: Books
Date: March 15, 1989
Subject: Asset and liability management Banking Debt conversion Debt reduction Debt relief Debt service External debt Financial institutions Loans
Title: International Financial Statistics Supplement on Trade Statistics
Series: Volume *, No. * or Volume *, Year
Date: March 15, 1988
Subject: Asset and liability management Economic and financial statistics
Title: The Role of the SDR in the International Monetary System
Series: Occasional Paper No. 1987/002
Date: March 19, 1987
Subject: Asset and liability management Central banks Commodities Currencies Gold International liquidity International monetary system International reserves Money Reserve assets
Title: International Financial Statistics Supplement on Public Sector Institutions
Series: Volume *, No. * or Volume *, Year
Date: March 15, 1987
Subject: Asset and liability management Economic and financial statistics
Title: International Financial Statistics Supplement on International Liquidity
Series: Volume *, No. * or Volume *, Year
Date: March 15, 1987
Subject: Asset and liability management Economic and financial statistics
Title: International Financial Statistics Supplement on Government Finance
Series: Volume *, No. * or Volume *, Year
Date: September 15, 1986
Subject: Asset and liability management Economic and financial statistics
Title: International Financial Statistics Supplement on Price Statistics
Series: Volume *, No. * or Volume *, Year
Date: September 15, 1986
Subject: Asset and liability management Economic and financial statistics